Bhagavad Arka Marichi Mala, Part 83


Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur

Aug 13, 2011 — CANADA (SUN) — Bhagavad Arka Marichi Mala by HDG Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur.

The Perfection of the Mellow of Pure Love, The Glories of Rasa (siddha prema-rasa/rasa-mahima)

10.90.48 Shukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Parikshit

jayati jana-nivaso devaki-janma-vado
yadu-vara-parinat svair dorbhir asyann adharmam
sthira-cara-vrijina-ghnah su-smita-shri-mukhena
vraja-pura-vanitanam vardhayan kama-devam

jayati—eternally lives gloriously; jana-nivasah—He who lives among human beings like the members of the Yadu dynasty and is the ultimate resort of all living entities; devaki-janma-vadah—known as the son of Devaki (No one can actually become the father or mother of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore devak-janma-vada means that He is known as the son of Devaki. Similarly, He is also known as the son of mother Yashoda, Vasudeva and Nanda Maharaja.); yadu-vara-parinat—served by the members of the Yadu dynasty or the cowherd men of Vrindavana (all of whom are constant associates of the Supreme Lord and are the Lord's eternal servants); svaih dorbhih—by His own arms, or by His devotees like Arjuna who are just like His own arms; asyan—killing; adharmam—demons or the impious; sthira-cara-vrijina-ghnah—the destroyer of all the ill fortune of all living entities, moving and not moving; su-smita—always smiling; shri-mukhena—by His beautiful face; vraja-pura-vanitanam—of the damsels of Vrindavana; vardhayan—increasing; kama-devam—the lusty desires.

Lord Shri Krnsa is He who is known as jana-nivasa, the ultimate resort of all living entities, and who is also known as Devaki-nandana or Yasoda-nandana, the son of Devaki and Yasoda. He is the guide of the Yadu dynasty, and with His mighty arms He kills everything inauspicious, as well as every man who is impious. By His presence He destroys all things inauspicious for all living entities, moving and inert. His blissful smiling face always increase the lusty desires of the gopis of Vrndavana. May He be all glorious and happy!

10.14.01 Brahma to Shri Krishna

naumidya te 'bhra-vapune tadid-ambaraya
vanya-sraje kavala-vetra-vinana-venu-
laknma-shriye mridu-pade pashupangajaya

shri-brahmauvaca—Lord Brahmasaid; naumi—I offer praise; idya—O most worshipable one; te—unto You; abhra—like a dark cloud; vapune—whose body; tadit—like lightning; ambaraya—whose garment; gunja—made of small berries; avatamsa—with ornaments (for the ears); paripiccha—and peacock feathers; lasat—resplendent; mukhaya—whose face; vanya-sraje—wearing garlands of forest flowers; kavala—a morsel of food; vetra—a stick; vinana—a buffalo-horn bugle; venu—and a flute; laknma—characterized by; shriye—whose beauty; mridu—soft; pade—whose feet; pashu-pa—of the cowherd (Nanda Maharaja); anga-jaya—unto the son.

Lord Brahma said: My dear Lord, You are the only worshipable Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore I offer my humble obeisances and prayers just to please You. O son of the king of the cowherds, Your transcendental body is dark blue like a new cloud, Your garment is brilliant like lightning, and the beauty of Your face is enhanced by Your gunja earrings and the peacock feather on Your head. Wearing garlands of various forest flowers and leaves, and equipped with a herding stick, a buffalo horn and a flute, You stand beautifully with a morsel of food in Your hand.

10.14.18 Brahma to Shri Krishna

adyaiva tvad rite 'sya kim mama na te mayatvam adarshitam
eko 'si prathamam tato vraja-suhrid-vatsah samastaapi
tavanto 'si catur-bhujas tad akhilaih sakam mayopasitas
tavanty eva jaganty abhus tad amitam brahmadvayam shinyate

adya—today; eva—just; tvat rite—apart from You; asya—of this universe; kim—what; mama—to me; na—not; te—by You; mayatvam—the basis in Your inconceivable potency; adarshitam—shown; ekah—alone; asi—You are; prathamam—first of all; tatah—then; vraja-suhrit—Your cowherd boyfriends of Vrindavana; vatsah—and the calves; samastah—all; api—even; tavantah—of the same number; asi—You became; catuh-bhujah—four-handed forms of Lord Vinnu; tat—then; akhilaih—by all; sakam—together with; maya—myself; upasitah—being worshiped; tavanti—of the same number; eva—also; jaganti—universes; abhuh—You became; tat—then; amitam—the unlimited; brahma—Absolute Truth; advayam—one without a second; shinyate—You now remain.

Have You not shown me today that both You Yourself and everything within this creation are manifestations of Your inconceivable potency? First You appeared alone, and then You manifested Yourself as all of Vrndavana's calves and cowherd boys, Your friends. Next You appeared as an equal number of four-handed Vishnu forms, who were worshiped by all living beings, including me, and after that You appeared as an equal number of complete universes. Finally, You have now returned to Your unlimited form as the Supreme Absolute Truth, one without a second.

10.05.01-2 Shukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Parikshit

shri-suka uvacanandas tv atmaja utpannejatahlado maha-manahahuya vipran veda jnansnatah sucir alankrtahvacayitva svastyayanamjata-karmatmajasya vaikarayam asa vidhivatpitr-devarcanam tatha

shri-sukah uvaca--Shri Sukadeva Gosvami said; nandah--Maharaja Nanda; tu--indeed; atmaje--his son; utpanne--having been born; jata--overwhelmed; ahladah--in great jubilation; maha-manah--who was great minded; ahuya--invited; vipran--the brahmanas; veda-jnan—who were fully conversant in Vedic knowledge; snatah--taking a full bath; sucih--purifying himself; alankrtah--being dressed very nicely with ornaments and fresh garments; vacayitva--after causing to be recited; svasti-ayanam--Vedic mantras (by the brahmanas); jata-karma—the festival for the birth of the child; atmajasya--of his own son; vai--indeed; karayam asa--caused to be performed; vidhi-vat—according to the Vedic regulations; pitr-deva-arcanam--the worship of the forefathers and the demigods; tatha--as well as.

Shukadeva Gosvami said: Nanda Maharaja was naturally very magnanimous, and when Lord Shri Krishna appeared as his son, he was overwhelmed by jubilation. Therefore, after bathing and purifying himself and dressing himself properly, he invited brahmanas who knew how to recite Vedic mantras. After having these qualified brahmanas recite auspicious Vedic hymns, he arranged to have the Vedic birth ceremony celebrated for his newborn child according to the rules and regulations, and he also arranged for worship of the demigods and forefathers. (1-2)

10.05.18 Shukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Parikshit

tata arabhya nandasyavrajah sarva-samrddhimanharer nivasatma-gunairamakridam abhun nrpa

tatah arabhya--beginning from that time; nandasya--of Maharaja Nanda; vrajah--Vrajabhumi, the land for protecting and breeding cows; sarva-samrddhiman--became opulent with all kinds of riches; hareh nivasa--of the residence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; atma-gunaih--by the transcendental qualities; rama-akridam--the place of pastimes for the goddess of fortune; abhut--became; nrpa--O King (Maharaja Pariksit).

O Maharaja Parikshit, the home of Nanda Maharaja is eternally the abode of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His transcendental qualities and is therefore always naturally endowed with the opulence of all wealth. Yet beginning from Lord Krishna's appearance there, it became the place of the pastimes of the goddess of fortune.

10.06.02-6 Shukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Parikshit

kamsena prahita ghoraputana bala-ghatinisisums cacara nighnantipura-grama-vrajadisu

kamsena--by King Kamsa; prahita--engaged previously; ghora—very fierce; putana--by the name Putana; bala-ghatini--a Raksasi who killed; sisun--small babies; cacara--wandered; nighnanti--killing; pura-grama-vraja-adisu--in towns, cities and villages here and there.

While Nanda Maharaja was returning to Gokula, the same fierce Putana whom Kamsa had previously engaged to kill babies was wandering about in the towns, cities and villages, doing her nefarious duty.

10.06.10 Shukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Parikshit

tasmin stanam durjara-viryam ulbanamghorankam adaya sisor dadiv atha
gadham karabhyam bhagavan prapidya tat-
pranaih samam rosa-samanvito 'pibat

tasmin--in that very spot; stanam--the breast; durjara-viryam--a very powerful weapon mixed with poison; ulbanam--which was fierce; ghora--the most ferocious Putana; ankam--on her lap; adaya--placing; sisoh--in the mouth of the child; dadiu--pushed; atha--thereupon; gadham--very hard; karabhyam--with both hands; bhagavan--the Supreme Personality of Godhead; prapidya--giving her great pain; tat-pranaih--her life; samam--along with; rosa-samanvitah--being very angry at her; apibat--sucked the breast.

On that very spot, the fiercely dangerous Raksasi took Krishna on her lap and pushed her breast into His mouth. The nipple of her breast was smeared with a dangerous, immediately effective poison, but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, becoming very angry at her, took hold of her breast, squeezed it very hard with both hands, and sucked out both the poison and her life. (10)

10.06.31 Shukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Parikshit

tavan nandadayo gopamathuraya vrajam gatahvilokya putana-dehambabhuvur ativismitah

tavat--in the meantime; nanda-adayah--headed by Nanda Maharaja; gopah--all the cowherd men; mathurayah--from Mathura; vrajam—to Vrndavana; gatah--came back; vilokya--when they saw; putana-deham—the gigantic body of Putana lying dead; babhuvuh--became; ati--very much; vismitah--struck with wonder.

Shrila Shukadeva Gosvami continued: All the gopis, headed by mother Yasoda, were bound by maternal affection. After they thus chanted mantras to protect their child, mother Yasoda gave the child the nipple of her breast to suck and then got Him to lie down on His bed.

10.07.07 Shukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Parikshit

adhah-sayanasya sisor ano 'lpaka-
pravala-mrdv-anghri-hatam vyavartata

adhah-sayanasya--who was put underneath the handcart; sisoh--of the child; anah--the cart; alpaka--not very much grown; pravala--just like a new leaf; mrdu-anghri-hatam--struck by His beautiful, delicate legs; vyavartata--turned over and fell down; vidhvasta--scattered; nana-rasa-kupya-bhajanam--utensils made of various metals; vyatyasta--dislocated; cakra-aksa--the two wheels and the axle; vibhinna--broken; kubaram--the pole of the handcart.

Lord Shri Krishna was lying down underneath the handcart in one corner of the courtyard, and although His little legs were so soft as leaves, when He struck the cart with His legs, it turned over violently and collapsed. The wheels separated from the axle, the hubs and spokes fell apart, and the pole of the handcart broke. On the cart there were many little utensils made of various metals, and all of them scattered hither and thither.

10.07.18,20 Shukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Parikshit

ekadaroham arudham lalayanti sutam sati
garimanam sisor vodhum na sehe giri-kutavat

ekada--one time (estimated to have been when Krishna was one year old); aroham--on His mother's lap; arudham--who was sitting; lalayanti—was patting; sutam--her son; sati--mother Yasoda; garimanam--because of an increase in heaviness; sisoh--of the child; vodhum--to bear Him; na--not; sehe--was able; giri-kuta-vat--appearing like the weight of a mountain peak.

One day, a year after Krishna's appearance, mother Yasoda was patting her son on her lap. But suddenly she felt her child to be heavier than a mountain peak, and she could no longer bear His weight. (18)

daityo namna trnavartah kamsa-bhrtyah pranoditah
cakravata-svarupena jaharasinam arbhakam

daityah--another demon; namna--by the name; trnavartah--Trnavartasura; kamsa-bhrtyah--a servant of Kamsa; pranoditah--having been induced by him; cakravata-svarupena--in the form of a whirlwind; jahara—swept away; astaam--the sitting; arbhakam--child.

While the child was sitting on the ground, a demon named Trnavarta, who was a servant of Kamsa's, came there as a whirlwind, at Kamsa's instigation, and very easily carried the child away into the air. (20)

10.07.26-28 Shukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Parikshit

trnavartah santa-rayovatya-rupa-dharo haran
krishnam nabho-gato gantumnasaknod bhuri-bhara-bhrt

trnavartah--the demon Trnavarta; santa-rayah--the force of the blast reduced; vatya-rupa-dharah--who had assumed the form of a forceful whirlwind; haran--and had thus taken away; krishnam--Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead; nabhah-gatah--went up to the top of the sky; gantum--to go further; na asaknot--was not able; bhuri-bhara-bhrt--because Krishna then became more powerful and heavy than the demon.

Having assumed the form of a forceful whirlwind, the demon Trnavarta took Krishna very high in the sky, but when Krishna became heavier than the demon, the demon had to stop his force and could go no further. (26)

tam asmanam manyamanaatmano guru-mattaya
gale grhita utsrastumnasaknod adbhutarbhakam

tam--Krishna; asmanam--very heavy stone like a lump of iron; manyamanah--thinking like that; atmanah guru-mattaya--because of being heavier than he could personally perceive; gale--his neck; grhite--being embraced or encircled by His arms; utsrastum--to give up; na asaknot--was not able; adbhuta-arbhakam--this wonderful child who was different from an ordinary child.

Because of Krishna's weight, Trnavarta considered Him to be like a great mountain or a hunk of iron. But because Krishna had caught the demon's neck, the demon was unable to throw Him off. He therefore thought of the child as wonderful, since he could neither bear the child nor cast aside the burden. (27)

gala-grahana-niscestodaityo nirgata-locanah
avyakta-ravo nyapatatsaha-balo vyasur vraje

gala-grahana-niscestah--because of Krishna's grasping the neck of the demon Trnavarta, the demon choked and could not do anything; daityah--the demon; nirgata-locanah--his eyes popped out because of pressure; avyakta-ravah--because of choking, he could not even make a sound; nyapatat--fell down; saha-balah--with the child; vyasuh vraje--lifeless on the ground of Vraja.

With Krishna grasping him by the throat, Trnavarta choked, unable to make even a sound or even to move his hands and legs. His eyes popping out, the demon lost his life and fell, along with the little boy, down to the ground of Vraja. (28)

10.07.34-36 Shukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Parikshit

ekadarbhakam adayasvankam aropya bhamini
prasnutam payayam asastanam sneha-paripluta

ekada--once upon a time; arbhakam--the child; adaya--taking; sva-ankam--on her own lap; aropya--and placing Him; bhamini—mother Yasoda; prasnutam--breast milk oozing out; payayam asa--fed the child; stanam--her breast; sneha-paripluta--with great affection and love.

One day mother Yasoda, having taken Krishna up and placed Him on her lap, was feeding Him milk from her breast with maternal affection. The milk was flowing from her breast, and the child was drinking it. (34)

pita-prayasya jananisutasya rucira-smitam
mukham lalayati rajanjrmbhato dadrse idam
kham rodasi jyotir-anikam asahs
uryendu-vahni-svasanambudhims ca
dvipan nagams tad-duhitrr vanani
bhutani yani sthira jangamani

pita-prayasya--of child Krishna, who was being offered breast milk and was almost satisfied; janani--mother Yasoda; sutasya--of her son; rucira-smitam--seeing the child fully satisfied and smiling; mukham--the face; lalayati--patting and softly rubbing with her hand; rajan--O King; jrmbhatah--while the child was yawning; dadrse--she saw; idam--the following; kham--the sky; rodasi--both the higher planetary system and the earth; jyotih-anikam--the luminaries; asah—the directions; surya--the sun; indu--the moon; vahni--fire; svasana—the air; ambudhin--the seas; ca--and; dvipan--the islands; nagan—the mountains; tat-duhitrh--the daughters of the mountains (the rivers); vanani--forests; bhutani--all kinds of living entities; yani—which are; sthira jangamani--nonmoving and moving.

O King Parikshit, when the child Krishna was almost finished drinking His mother's milk and mother Yasoda was touching Him and looking at His beautiful, brilliantly smiling face, the baby yawned, and mother Yasoda saw in His mouth the whole sky, the higher planetary system and the earth, the luminaries in all directions, the sun, the moon, fire, air, the seas, islands, mountains, rivers, forests, and all kinds of living entities, moving and nonmoving. (35-36)

10.08.21 Shukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Parikshit

kalena vrajatalpenagokule rama-kesavau
janubhyam saha panibhyamringamanau vijahratuh

kalena--of time; vrajata--passing; aipena--a very small duration; gokule--in Gokula, Vraja-dhama; rama-kesavau--both Balarama and Krishna; janubhyam--by the strength of Their knees; saha panibhyam--resting on Their hands; ringamanau--crawling; vijahratuh--enjoyed childhood play

After a short time passed, both brothers, Rama and Krishna, began to crawl on the ground of Vraja with the strength of Their hands and knees and thus enjoy Their childhood play.

10.08.26 Shukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Parikshit

kalenalpena rajarseramah krishnas ca gokule
aghrsta janubhih padbhirvicakramatur anjasa

kalena alpena--within a very short time; rajarse--O King (Maharaja Pariksit); ramah krishnah ca--both Rama and Krishna; gokule--in the village of Gokula; aghrsta janubhih--without the help of crawling on Their knees; padbhih--by Their legs alone; vicakramatuh--began to walk;

O King Parikshit, within a very short time both Rama and Krishna began to walk very easily in Gokula on Their legs, by Their own strength, without the need to crawl.

10.08.28 Shukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Parikshit

krishnasya gopyo ruciramviksya kaumara-capalam
srnvantyah kila tan-maturiti hocuh samagatah

krishnasya--of Krishna; gopyah--all the gopis; ruciram--very attractive; viksya--observing; kaumara-capalam--the restlessness of the childish pastimes; srnvantyah--just to hear them again and again; kila--indeed; tat-matuh--in the presence of His mother; iti--thus; ha--indeed; ucuh--said; samagatah--assembled there.

Observing the very attractive childish restlessness of Krishna, all the gopis in the neighborhood, to hear about Krishna's activities again and again, would approach mother Yasoda and speak to her as follows.

10.08.29 Gopis to Mother Yasoda

vatsan muncan kvacid asamaye krosa-sanjata-hasahsteyam svadv atty atha dadhi-payah kalpitaih steya-yogaih
markan bhoksyan vibhajati sa cen natti bhandam bhinnatti
dravyalabhe sagrha-kupito yaty upakrosya tokan

vatsan--the calves; muncan--releasing; kvacit--sometimes; asamaye—at odd times; krosa-sanjata-hasah--after this, when the head of the house is angry, Krishna begins to smile; steyam--obtained by stealing; svadu--very tasteful; atti--eats; atha--thus; dadhi-payah--pot of curd and milk; kaipitaih--devised; steya-yogaih--by some sort of stealing process; markan--to the monkeys; bhoksyan--giving to eat; vibhajati--divides their portion; sah--the monkey; cet--if; na--not; atti--eats; bhandam--the pot; bhinnatti--He breaks; dravya-alabhe—when eatables are unavailable or He cannot find such pots; sa-grha-kupitah--He becomes angry at the residents of the house; yati--He goes away; upakrosya--irritating and pinching; tokan—the small children.

Our dear friend Yasoda, your son sometimes comes to our houses before the milking of the cows and releases the calves, and when the master of the house becomes angry, your son merely smiles. Sometimes He devises some process by which He steals palatable curd, butter and milk, which He then eats and drinks. When the monkeys assemble, He divides it with them, and when the monkeys have their bellies so full that they won't take more, He breaks the pots. Sometimes, if He gets no opportunity to steal butter or milk from a house, He will be angry at the householders, and for His revenge He will agitate the small children by pinching them. Then, when the children begin crying, Krishna will go away.


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