Audarya Dhama: The Most Munificent Abode,
Part 36


Jul 18, 2012 — SRIDHAM MAYAPUR, WEST BENGAL (SUN) — Compiled by Sriman Padmalochan dasa; Revised Edition (1992).


The following description is given in the 'Govinda Lilamrta' ch. 23: in the eight directions around Radha-kunda are the gardens of Radharani's eight main assistants (asta Sakhis): Lalita Kunja (northern side), Visakhananda Kunja (north east), Citrananda Kunja (east), Indulekhananda Kunja (southeastern side), Campakalatananda (southern side), Rangadeviananda Kunja (southwestern side), Tungavidyananda Kunja (western side), and Sudeviananda Kunja (northwestern side). These gardens are octagonal in shape, and surrounding each of them are eight more gardens belonging to their assistants.

Surrounding Syamakunda there are also eight gardens, which are tended by Krsna's Astapriya Sakhas (eight boyfriends): Madhumangalananda Kunja (northern side), Ujjvalananda Kunja (north east), Arjunananda Kunja (eastern side), Gandharananda Kunja (southeastern side), Vidagdhananda Kunja (southern side), Bhrangananda Kunja (southwestern side), Kokilananda Kunja (western side), and Subalananda Kunja (northwestern side).

One who bathes in Radhakunda will obtain Love of Godhead. Radhakunda is the topmost holy place. At Radha-kunda in Vrindaban, if one commits the slightest offence he will go to hell; but here Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is so merciful that He overlooks the offences and gives pure love of Godhead to anyone who pays a visit.

Vidya Nagara

"I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is inaccessible to the Vedas, but obtainable by pure unalloyed devotion of the soul, who is without a second, who is not subject to decay, is without a beginning, whose form is endless, who is the beginning and eternal Purusha; yet He is a person, possessing the beauty of a blooming youth." (Brahma Samhita 33)

At this place Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya took birth and lived during his early life, but just prior to the appearance of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He left for Jagannatha Puri, thinking to himself, "If I am actually a devotee of Lord Caitanya, then I will attract the Lord to me". Thinking in this way Bhattacarya lived in Jagannatha Puri and taught the impersonal understanding of the Vedanta-sutras, knowing that the Lord would come there, defeat his interpretation and establish the personal doctrine.


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