Bengali Terracottas - Krsna Dancing


Krsna Dancing with the Gopis
Madanmohan Temple, Bishnupur, District Bankura, West Bengal

May 11, 2021 — CANADA (SUN) —

Timeline of Terracotta Art in Bengal

In Bengal, Terracottas appear in three distinct evolutionary stages. In the primitive stage, it partakes of the character of Mayuryan and Pre-Mayuryan Art of greater India, the nearest culture-area being the old site of Laurya Nandangarh, near Bettiah.

In the year 1929-30, some terracotta figurines of the Sunga Period were found at Mahasthangarh in the Bogra District. Based on this find, archeologists conclude that Mahasthan represents one of the earliest of the city-sites of Bengal, and was in occupation from the 2nd century B.C. to the 12th century A.D.

In November 1931, a small fragmentary stone slab, bearing six lines of a Mayuryan inscription in Brahmi characters, was discovered almost on the surface of the earth, which created considerable interest among scholars in Bengal. In addition to the identification of Mahasthan with the ancient Pundra-Nagara or Pundra-Vardhana, the date of the site has been pushed back to the 4th century B.C., that is, two centuries earlier than that suggested above, on the strength of a terracotta figurine of the Sunga period that was discovered there during 1930-31 - thus relating the early culture of Bengal to the culture of Mayuryan times.

In this early stage, the terracottas consist of stray cult-pieces of small sizes, analogous to the Bulandibagh and Nandangarh finds in Bettiah, Champaran District.

The terracotta plaque pictured above depicts one of Krsna's boyish pranks (bala-lila), dancing with the gopinis. One gopi is playing on a mrdanga and another on a pair of kartals. A flowing lyricism pervades throughout the whole composition and the ecstasy of expression on the faces of Krsna and the kartal player are simply wonderful.

Although the plaque has suffered some damage from time and the elements, particularly affecting the mrdanga and Krsna's nose, the detail remains intact. These terracotta carvings are amazingly impervious to age, and are a great testament to the skill of the craftsmen who fashioned them.

The town of Bishnupur is also called Mallabhum after the Malla rulers, who were Vaisnavas. They built the majority of West Bengal's famous terracotta temples during the 17th and 18th centuries, many of them in Bankura District. The terracotta temples there are some of the best existing specimens of the classical style of Bengali architecture.

During the 1,000 year rule of the Malla kings, Mallabhum, of which Bankura was a part, became famous not only for its terracotta temples, but also for its bell metal and Baluchari sarees made of tussar silk. Royal patronage also supported the Vishnupuri gharana (school) of Hindustani classical music and the Vishnupur school of painting.

Sri Krsna Slaying Kamsa
Charbangla Temple, North Baranagar, Distrist Murshidabad, West Bengal

In the example shown above, Sri Krsna is slaying the demon Kangsa (Kamsa). This panel, which is positioned above the right-hand doorway of the temple, shows Krsna killing Kamsa, the tyrant king of Mathura. Balarama stands by, plow resting against his shoulder, and a horn held aloft. Sporting similar clothing and ornaments, there is little difference between the brothers, except that Krsna is larger and more prominent in the action.

Kamsa is seated in full regalia on his throne under the royal parasol. He is wearing a dagger, sword and shield, and is seen here trampled by the right foot of his adolescent adversary. Krsna has caught hold of the demon's crown and it pulling it from the head of Kamsa. The royal diadem has fallen to the ground, and Krsna is about to impart a deadly blow with the fist of his right hand.

More on the History of Bengali Terracottas

To the later phase of Mahasthan Art, probably belonging to the Gupta era, belongs a remarkable circular plaque illustrating a Mithuna depicted against the decorative background of lotus-petals. A very interesting find from Mahasthangarh is a terracotta plaque depicting the 'Dream of Maya Devi' (pictured below), which is very skillfully patterned against the square panel by placing the bed diagonally across the plaque. This is a new design, quite different from the primitive illustration of the same theme found at Bharhut (at bottom of page).

In the next stage of Bengali terracottas, we find pieces done in larger sizes and related to architectural structure, such as decorations of the facades of temples.

This form of the art is very well-illustrated in the Mithuna plaque from Mahasthan cited above and also at Paharput, and much earlier, at Gokul (near Mahasthan in Bogra district). Here, many terracotta plaques were found, some bearing architectural and floral patterns revealing the lotus motif, the chequer and the window patterns. Most of these finds are typically Gupta in style.

On the facades of the Chaumukha temple of the Sarvato-bhadra type (of uncertain date, not later than the 8th Century A.D.) at Paharpur, we find a large series of beautifully designed terracotta plaques, offering not only lively representations of the early inhabitants of Bengal, but also scenes from the Krsna-lila.

Source: 'Indian Terracotta Art'


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