BGIS Vrindavan - Increase of 141% Fees in Residential School


May 16, 2015 — CANADA (SUN) — The following (unedited) presentation by Krishna kant das has been widely distributed to ISKCON leaders.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: krishnakant das
Date: Sun, May 17, 2015 at 12:51 AM
To: Sesa das , Sesa das
Cc: Gopal Krsna Goswami , BB Govinda Swami , Nirmala Krishna Das ,,,,,,,, Nitin Kumar Shakya ,, HH RADHANATH SWAMI GURUMAHARAJ , Ganga IDS , "ISKCON India (news & discussion)" , "Ramanipati (das) JPS (Mayapur - IN)" , ICC Western Divisional Council , Ravigopaldas Rgd ,,,, Rohit Dasrapuria

Hare krishna

All glories to guru and gauranga ,all glories to srila prabhupada
Prabhuji please accept my humble obeisance on your lotus feet
Prabhuji I hope you may be doing good by mercy of guru and gauranga.

Prabhuji once again i want to bring a major fee increment issue in your knowledge, BGIS Gurukul. I am highlighting this issue for your information below ,all of sudden this year BGIS increased 141% fees for residential school (Break up i have given below how the BGIS increase the fees alongwith last three year fees details .

In day school they increased only 22% and term fees .

May i request you to please ask school management why the school increased this much fees without discussing with parents . Last sunday when i met the boarding school student parents they were unhappy with the huge fees increment but parents keeps silent on the name of Krishna but in frustration I am writing you to solve this issue .

Prabhuji the fees which we are paying in Gurukul its more then the any engineering boarding college fees in metro city . Vrindavan is not situated in any metro city where we can understand the increment of fees . Last year BGIS did bhoomi pujan for new school after that they gave one pamphlet to all student donate money for new Gurukul I feel when student not gave money so school taking out money in other way from the pocket of parents . i appreciate this BGIS move to built new gurukul but in another end thsi is not good practice to raise the fees .

if we read above quote from HDG Srila Prabhupada words in BGIS pamphlet,HDG Srila Prabhupada clearly said i want BGIS to be purely the spiritual Vedic school but now all devotee and non-devotee parents feels its Business making school which want money only . I am sorry to mark this s mail with GBC Maharaj and disciple of HDG Srila Prabhupada to look in this serious matter because in lecture we always hear that we must send our kids for Vedic education in Gurukul but after seeing the trend of fees increment every year we feel now its no more Gurukul , Now BGIS is like other materialistic school who collect the money on the name of education . Kindly advise school management to reverse the fees .

Here below ,some few points tare there which is still not solved .

1. Last year in behalf of all parents myself requested to appoint full time Principal ,still BGIS not appointed full time principal . May i know when BGIS will appoint full time principal instead of makeshift principal.

2. Again HG Prasanth Prabhuji is teaching Physics to Xth class student . I knew Prabhuji is IIT student but he can not speak loudly in class and students are unable to understand his teaching method. Kindly replace the HG Prasant prabhuji with another Physics teacher.

3. In IX class last year 5 and 6 times they changed math's teacher so how the student will understand if the BGIS don't have qualified and experienced teacher in school by this student unable to cop up there studies .

4. This year before ICSC board exam HG liladhar prabhuji went 15 days' vacation and student were unable to understand the other instructor mathematics teaching method in last moment.

5. As per BGIS policy if second brother study in school they gives 20% discount. But this is not complied and school don't give 20 % discount .When parents approach account dept. for 20 % discount the behavior of account dept is not fair and they say only 9 or 10 thousand rupees discount only gets paernts did not argue with account section staff my question is that If school charge 1.5 lakhs annual fees per annum then as per 20 % discount the amount suppose to be 30 thousand Indian rupees . May I ask BGIS which formula they calculate to give 20 % discount . BGIS give only 8 or 10 thousand rupees discount which is unfair . if I am wrong It can be checked in school accounts records, even after accepting the fees check and money accounts dept don't gives slip to parents . Why accounts section don't give fees receipt to all the students without fail .I request BGIS management to look it seriously in fees part and do the external audit for money part and display or dispatch same to all parents the financial expenditure sheet .

6. Inside Krishna Balaram temple adjacent to BGIS they gave one room for IIT coaching and there school charge another 36 000 rupees from parents if there kids wants IIT coaching . Now its like business two years back in BGIS prospectus school management said they prepared gurukul student for IIT examination but now they removed that line from school prospectus and opened coaching school to make money .

Here is fees increment details of Day and Residential School which is marked with yellow highlighted area.

DAY SCHOOL 2013- 2014

DAY SCHOOL 2015- 2016

1. Fees Security Deposit Increase compare to last year 2014-2015 - 18000 to year 2015-2016 22000 (22% increased)

2.Annual Charges (Yearly) 2013-2014 - 6000 to Year 2015-2016 – 6000 (No change).

3. Term Fess in installment quarterly 2014 -10000 INR
2015 - 11000 INR (Increased 1000 INR in per qtr. )




4. Fees Security Deposit Increase compare to last year 2014-2015 - 45000 to year 2015-2016 50000 (11% increased)

5.Annual Charges (Yearly) 2013-2014 - 11,500 to Year 2015-2016 – 25000 (117% increased ).

6. Term Fess in installment quarterly 2013 -38000 INR

2014 -38500 INR (Increased only 500 in per qtr. ) (Fees -13% increased per qtr )

2015 - 40500 INR (Increased 2000 INR in per qtr. )

Total fees increased in residential school is 141 %
is school taking out money from student for there below new Gurukul Project

At last HH Maharaj's ,Disciple of HDG Srila Prabhupada I am begging for pardon on your lotus feet if I did any offence or raised the above observation and suggestion to improve education fees system in BGIS Vindavan,Mayapur and other ISKCON worldwide School too and make it easy to bear the fees for all parents. so many poor devotee wants to enroll there kids in Gurukul but when they see the fees structure they turned up so don't do the discrimination among the poor and rich devotee . Otherwise in lecture we should not be communicated for Gurukul Vedic education .

Your lotus feet servant

krishna kant Das

Last year mail

from: krishnakant das

to: cc:,,,,, kapsh,,,,
date: Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 5:19 PM

hare krishna

all glories to guru and gauranga ,all glories to srila prabhupada

HH Maharaj my humble obeisance on your lotus feet .

I tried to control my feeling and emotion and not to do any vaisnava apradha against the vaisanva devotee, community and gurukul but after thinking millions times I decide to draw your kind attention towards BGI School Gurukul Vrindavan.

HH Maharaj in every lecture we hear from you and other maharaj and senior Grihasta disciple of HDG Srila Prabhupada and senior vaisnava devotee also that we must give good Vedic education to our children so that they become good vaisnava devotee in this kaliyuga and enroll our children in gurukul ,but now I feel it's not wise decision to send our children in gurukul. My self and other devotee and non-devotee parents feel Gurukul is not running as per the instruction given by HDG Srila Prabhupada.

In one of your lecture HH Maharaj you quoted HDG Srila prabhupada lecture :-

741128SB.BOM Lectures

Therefore our system is, Vedic system is from the very beginning, a child, a boy is sent to gurukula to learn. Not that automatically one learns. One must go to gurukula, brahmacari. Brahmacari goes to guru, and he works like a menial servant. He may be a son of a big brahmana or big king, it doesn't matter. The one who goes to gurukula, he immediately becomes the menial servant of guru. This is the system. That means guru can order him to act any, I mean to say, low class service, still he is prepared to do it. This is the business of brahmacari, and he takes all trouble, and childhood, he doesn't mind. Even Krsna, he went to gurukula. To teach us. Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, what is the use of His going to gurukula? No, He is teaching, apani acari' prabhu jiveri sikhaya. Caitanya Mahaprabhu also accepted guru, teacher, guru more murkha dekhi' karila sasana.

Now BGI School looks like all other materialistic school in India who do the business on the name of education like other private and public school just collect the huge fees only and run the school on name of ISKCON .

HH Maharaj I am listing some information for your kind attention.

Point which is not in compliance by BGIS (website

Answer HH Maharaj It's not true one Ashram Teacher is handling more then 30-40 students in each class . HH Maharaj in class the ratio is more than 1:30/1:40 because of this children's are unable to concentrate on their studies effectively , Its total Chaos in class during study because of this students get less marks or failed in unit and final examination. HH Maharaj we sent our children's for study not to fail in their academics examination and we spent our hard earned money for their expensive education. I knew few student are getting free of cost education because there parents are directly or indirectly serving in ISKCON Temple who cannot afford the study expenses .We have our deep respect to our god brothers vaisnava for not affording the high class expensive education which is provided to their children by Gurukul.

We appreciate the wonderful effort by the Gurukul management in this regards.

2. Health care:

We provide full time medical care to our students. The doctor uses both allopathic and alternative medications. We take care of minor illnesses in the school, and serious ones are referred to Health Care professionals under our supervision.

Answer HH Maharaj here I want to inform you that as compared to the number of students, Number of toilets is very less and the ones that they have are filthy and stinky and un-hygienic. Because of this few children's got sick stomach pain vomiting fever and last year specially dengu fever spared in Vrinadavan gurukul and students were admitted in private local hospital in Vrindavan . That time all of sudden we got message to take our children from gurukul and school were closed for 10 days and children study were affected due to this and their mid term examination were there that time .

The children who got sick of Dengue were admitted in hospital and the hospital expenses money were charged from parents. whereas school take extra deposit of health care money at the time of admission. If children are more sick they ask us to take our children for better treatment at our place.

Other mismanagement observations –

A. School does not tell us real progress of our kids if they are really weak and above to fail they should inform well in time. It's very hard to reach the Class Teachers on Sunday sometime to talk our children it depend on their mood and some time they put the mobile in busy mode or switch off or will say that they are not in gurukul now we try to meet our childerns twice in month . HH Maharaj it's not possible to travel so far to meet our children every week in Gurukul its affect our financial situation and we don't want to make them home sick . In home I cut so many expenses and save money to give better education to my child from my hard earning salary . If he is not getting attention in Gurukul then please advise me how to solve this problem. Its sole responsibility of Gurukul to monitor student progress not to blame student for lacking in studies.

In Class teacher in front of other student openly tease the student who are weak in studies which is not good practices they scold the student in front of other student that you will not be promote to next class its humiliating and discourage the student moral and how the student will respect teacher and Gurukul, colleagues . In this age student are like soft mud where ever you twist them they can be mold. Instead of poking, teacher can give extra class or tuition or keep more attention on student and same to be inform us so that we can ask our children to study hard or Gurukul can stop student annual and other holidays vacation. They say to student school will fail them in final examination and they will not be promote to next class. If student is not doing well in his studies parents must be called and infornt of student they should tell us the performance of our children, which never happened.

B. HH Maharaj, I hope you may be aware of last year food posining case when one newcomer gurukuli student mixed poisons in prasadam bucket in prasadam hall and which was noticed by other and same time another boy inform the class teacher prabhuji and prasadam was thrown out and due to this kids not took the prasadam few days in fear of their life. When we enquired this mater Gurukul management staff tried hiding this incident. This is not good practice Maharaj , later they removed the student from gurukul who mixed the poison in prasadam bucket . When I called and Gurukul and enquired Gurukul warden manager HG Ramchandra Das prabhuji he said nothing happened and he was hiding the fact. If any one report this matter to police or local authority it was not good sign to do any apardha against school, my wife had fight with me to bring back our child from gurukul but I convinced her that this is wrong news and I told my son that if mother ask you then say to her that he was joking with her and we visited the Gurukul after seeing him my wife become calm .

C. HH Maharaj last year more than 04 months school was closed in different occasion for summer & winter holidays and other festival also and due to dengue also school was closed . HH Maharaj my question is that why gurukul is giving so much holidays its Gurukul not the holidays school to spent holiday time in some resort or picnic spot because of this student are not getting proper attention in studies and they are lacking in their studies and gets very less marks in terms and final examination ,Children's performance is not good in terms and class examination. Whenever any big festival or holiday comes they say one week in advance please takes your children. Gurukul can arrange Extra classes to cover up the course which is not happened.

D. Student Feedback from class teacher is different, in front of kids they say something and back of the kids they give another feed back which is confusing to whom we have to trust our kid clashram teacher prabhuji.

E. BGIS has our email address in which Ashram / class teacher prabhuji can send us the feedback report about our kids to us and mark copy to principal and Vice principal so that they children can be track on their performance in education and spiritual advancement in gurukul. We too also can keep track of our children progress .HH Maharaj there is lots of communication gap between Children ,Gurukul and parents. During the admission orientation everything was projected in nice way but in practically it's not followed.

F. HH Maharaj, BGIS Principal HG Dr Lila Purusottam Das prabhuji not at all approachable even HG Radha Kanta prabhuji also very rare to interact with him in person and not allowed to meet its embracing us if we cannot interact with them personaly .

G. HH Maharaj another humble request to you is that please advise Gurukul management to serve light prasadam to children's in morning breakfast at the time of entrance test in gurukul prasadam quality was good because parents visited and were served nice krishna prasadam but after some time ,The started serving Khichari prasadam in breakfast once in week with pakora and curd, HH Maharaj Khichari prasadam we can take in afternoon or evening but how the children's will honor the heavy khichari prasadam in morning . All devotee respect the prasadam because its krishna Prasad ,for children's its not good early in the morning they take heavy Prasad instead of light prasadam . We pay money for their boarding and lodging in good sum so we humble request gurukul management to serve light prasadam to student in morning .

H. HH Maharaj Ji I am not sure whether school management inform parents and you about after 11th class onwards student are accommodated 05 kilometer away from Gurukul in another ashram for lodging and boarding . In Vrindavan winter freezing condition students provided with one blanket only. how they can manage in one blanket the freezing cold in winter May I know to management who will take care of their health if they get sick , security and their prasadam is transported by mini van vehicle to their ashram from gurukul kitchen.

I. The school not at all consults the parents before increasing the fees last year they increase huge sum of school fee.

J. There is no Parent Teacher association in the school.

HH Maharaj, it's my humble request to you that please kindly hear my plight of above points and advice the BGIS management to look in the parents' grievances to keep the HDG Srila Prabhupada words in real.It's my another humble request to Gurukul school that they must increase the faculty staff and recruit more teacher so that no student get fail in their respective class and get better education and become good devotee in their life .

I am sorry for marking the CC mail to Mayapur Gurukul ,Bhaktivedanta College Belgium,Krishnavantischool U.K & HHBB Govindaswami Maharaj.

At last HH Maharaj ,I am begging for pardon on your and all vaisanva devotee lotus feet if I did any offence or raised the above observation and suggestion to improve education quality in vrindavan gurukul .

Your lotus feet servant

krishna kant Das


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