Shri Chaitanya Chandrodaya, Part 17


Feb 15, 2020 — CANADA (SUN) — The Rising of the Moon of Lord Shri Chaitanya (in 10 Acts) by Shrila Kavi Karnapura.

A Very Great Festival, Part One

1 (A foreigner enters)

Foreigner: I heard every year, at the time of the Rathayatra festival, Advaita Acarya and the devotees in Bengal go to see Shri Krishna Chaitanya. A close associate of the Lord, named Sivananda, who is expert at dealing with the toll-collectors like great thorn bushes growing on the highways, guide and protects the devotees in these travels. I am very eager to find him. I will search for him. (He takes a few steps). Ah! I see an honest-looking man ahead. Let me ask him. (he approaches).

2 (Enter Advaita's servant named Gandharva).

Gandharva: Lord Advaita sent me. He said; "Now is the auspicious time for us quickly to go to Purusottama-ksetra. Please speak this message to Sivananda: 'Please decide on a day for our departure. Write a note to tell us and we will all assemble for the journey.'" (he walks).

3 Foreigner: (approaching) Brother, where are you going?

4 Gandharva: Lord Advaita said to me: "Now is the auspicious time for us to go quickly to go to Purusottama-ksetra. Please speak this message to Sivananda: 'Please decide on a day for our departure. Write a note to tell us and we will all assemble for the journey.'"

5 Foreigner: (jubilant, he says to himself) Then what I heard is not a lie. I will ask him. (openly) Brother, will Sivananda give protection and guidance to an inexperienced traveller and lead him to Purusottama-ksetra.

6 Gandharva: Brother, Sivananda even protected a dog and led it to Purusottama-ksetra. Why should he not do the same for a human being.

7 Foreigner: Brother, what are you saying?

8 Gandharva: One year before Lord Chaitanya went to Mathura, as thousands of devotees were travelling to Purusottama-ksetra, a dog began faithfully to follow Sivananda. Seeing the dog faithfully following him, Sivananda began to look after it.

At mealtime he fed the dog, not with leftovers, but with food especially cooked for it. When the travellers had to take a ferry across a river, Sivananda paid the boatman extra to carry the dog. In this way the dog faithfully followed Sivananda every day. Then, one day, when the journey was already three-fourths over, Sivananda's servant forgot to give the dog its food. From that time on no one could find the dog anywhere. The grief-stricken Sivananda called out: "Alas! Today my dog was not fed!"

Sivananda went here and there calling out the dog's name, but could not find it anywhere.

All the way to Purusottama-ksetra Sivananda could not find the dog. In his heart he became filled with grief. Then, by the will of providence, he again saw the dog. The dog was at Purusottama-ksetra, on the beach near Lord Chaitanya.

When he saw the dog, Sivananda at once bowed down to become free from any offences he had committed to it. Lord Chaitanya was then throwing pieces of Jagannatha-prasadam coconut-pulp to the dog, and ordering it, "Say the word Krishna".

The dog was eating the pieces of coconut pulp one by one, and it was also chanting "Krishna, Krishna, Krishna". When Sivananda saw all this he again bowed down to the dog to become free from his offences of it.

After that incident no once could see the dog anywhere. I think the dog must have attained another body and entered the spiritual world.

9 Foreigner: Brother, today is an auspicious day for me, for today the news of Shri Krishna Chaitanya's pastimes has become a guest in my ear. Lord Chaitanya made even a dog chant the holy name of the Supreme Lord. If this is Lord Chaitanya's mercy to dogs, I wonder what kind of mercy He bestows to human beings? O brother, how do the bramble-bush like toll-collectors treat devotees when they travel on the roads?

10 Gandharva: Brother, listen. Every year, by the powerful influence of Lord Chaitanya, all the devotees easily travel to and from Purusottama-ksetra without any hindrance. Only one year was there any trouble.

11 Foreigner: What happened?

12 Gandharva: One year my master Advaita Acarya and the other devotees travelled on the path to Purusottama-ksetra, and as usual Sivananda led them and dealt with all the toll-collectors. One day, when King Prataparudra was in the south, the leader of the toll-collectors, an independent-minded minister in the king's cabinet, came to the town of Remuna. Counting all the devotees, that wicked fellow demanded a very large toll, far more than what had been asked in any previous year, and after all was said and done he had Sivananda put in chains as a criminal. My master Advaita Acarya and the other devotees were so upset they could not do any of their regular activities that day.

13 Foreigner: Then?

14 Gandharva: Then, when four hours of the night had passed, one of the guards called for Sivananda. Fearing that he was about to be beaten, Sivananda meditated on Lord Chaitanya's feet as he walked there with Vallabha Bhatta. Seeing the minister risen from sleep and surrounded by many men bearing torches, Sivananda became afraid.

The minister asked him, "You have come here with all these men?"

"Yes". Sivananda replied.

"Who is your master?" The minister said.

"Shri Krishna Chaitanya", Sivananda replied.

The minister then said: "You are the servant of Shri Krishna Chaitanya, and I am the servant of Lord Jagannatha. Who is greater: Chaitanya or Jagannatha?

"My Krishna Chaitanya is greater", Sivananda replied.

When he heard this, the minister became very happy. He was very humble, as if he had committed a grave offence. He said: I dreamed last night that I saw Shri Krishna Chaitanya and He said to me: "You have shackled my servant. Set him free at once." I am a great offender. Please forgive me. There is no need for you to pay any toll. In the morning you may all happily rise and peacefully go on your way." Saying this, the minister turned to two torch-bearing guards and said, "Stay and protect this man and his friends from any harm." After that, on the following morning, my master Advaita Acarya and all the devotees performed their morning duties and continued their journey.

15 Foreigner: Ah! Lord Chaitanya's mercy, power and opulence are very wonderful.

16 Gandharva: Where are you from?

17 Foreigner: I am from northern Radha-desa.

18 Gandharva: Why are you alone?

19 Foreigner: I was sent by Narahari dasa and the other devotees there.

20 Gandharva: Why?

21 Foreigner: To learn when Sivananda will leave for Purusottama-ksetra.

22 Gandharva: For the time being stay here near my master's house. When I have learned the answer to your question I will return. Ten men like yourself are now staying at my master's house. He promised them, "You will all go with Me to Purusottama-ksetra".

23 Foreigner: Why is your master so hospitable to them?

24 Gandharva: Among them is a very charming and handsome youth named Shrinatha. who is like a brilliant moon shinning in the community of brahmanas, or like a nectar-elixir that brings life to the eyes of the entire world, or like the personified nectar of pure devotional love for Lord Krishna descended to this world.

When first He saw him, my master Advaita became at once very fond of him. He said to him: "Stay in My company and you will have a private audience with Shri Krishna Chaitanya. Don't go to see Him with anyone else". My master has kept him and ten others as guests for a whole month now. He is very happy to see that all their wishes are fulfilled.

25 Foreigner: So be it. I will stay here and wait for your return.

26 Gandharva: And I will go to find Sivananda.

(They both exit).

(Thus ends the Viskambhaka interlude).

27 (Sivananda enters accompanied by many other pilgrims).

Sivananda: (to one person). Ah! Where are you from?

28 Man: O great one, Govardhana dasa sent me to you.

29 Sivananda: Yes. I understand. You have come for Raghunatha dasa.

30 Man: Yes.

31 Sivananda: What is the use of trying to find him?

32 Another man: Lord, do you know of him?

33 Sivananda: Listen. Raghunatha dasa is a disciple of Yadunandana Acarya, who is very gentle and in extremely dear to Vasudeva Datta, a resident of Kancanapalli. Because of Raghunatha dasa's transcendental qualities, he is always more dear than life for all of us devotees of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Since he has been favoured by the abundant mercy of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, he is always pleasing. Vividly providing a superior example for the renounced order, this very dear followed of Svarupa Damodara Gosvami is the ocean of renunciation. Who among the residents of Nilacala (Jagannatha Puri) does not know him very well?*

34 Because he is very pleasing to all the devotees, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami easily became like the fertile earth of good fortune in which it was suitable for the seed of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to be sown. At the same time that the seed was sown, it grew into a matchless tree of the love of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and produced fruit.*

35 Still, I will guide you to Purusottama-ksetra. For the time being please wait. We have not yet received word from Advaita Acarya. (He thinks).

36 (Gandharva enters)

Gandharva: Sivananda, I have come.

(He approaches).

37 Sivananda: (looking ahead) Ah! I see a man that seems to be Lord Advaita's servant. Auspiciousness to you! May all your desires be fulfilled!

38 Gandharva: (approaching) O great one, Lord Advaita Gosvami has a message for you.

39 Sivananda: I am listening with attention. Please speak the message.

40 Gandharva: Lord Advaita said to me: "Now is the auspicious time for us quickly to go to Purusottama-ksetra. Please speak this message to Sivananda: "Please decide on a day for our departure. Write a note to tell us and we will all assemble for the journey."

41 Sivananda: I have been waiting for this message.

42 Gandharva: There is something more.

43 Sivananda: What is it?

44 Gandharva: "This year the devotees will see the snana-yatra festival."

45 Sivananda: All the devotees wish this. Accompanied by Shrivasa Pandita and the other devotees, I will approach the lotus feet of the Lord and ask His consent. You also come and ask Him.

(They all exit).

46 (Tossing the back-curtain aside, Sarvabhauma hurriedly enters).

Sarvabhauma: Even if the Lord does not give permission, I will still go to Varanasi. I will convert the people there to the Lord's Vaishnava faith. If I rebel and go there, what will happen? I don't know. Even though the Lord's mercy is subject to His own wish, still, in one sense He is Himself the servant of His own mercy. In this way His mercy may be independent and not subject to His control. With the assistance of His mercy this may still be possible. (He takes a few steps and then looks ahead) Ah! Here are many men from different countries. I see that they are all pilgrims.

(He looks again) Ah! They are Bengalis. (He looks again) He is Advaita Acarya. He is Nityananda Avadhuta. He is Shrivasa. He is Haridasa. He is Gadadhara dasa. They are Govinda dasa and his friends. He is Makaradhvaja. He is Kasinatha. They are Narahari and his friends. They are Ramananda and the people of Kulina-grama. They are Gauri-dasa and the other associates of Lord Nityananda. What more need I say? All the associates of Lord Chaitanya have come.

This is certainly very auspicious. I will go to them and speak with each one. (He approaches).

47 (Advaita Acarya and the other devotees, all very eager to see the Lord, enter).

Advaita: Ah! I see Sarvabhauma. Why has he come?

48 Sarvabhauma: (He approaches and offers obeisances to Advaita and the others. He also notices Haridasa staying far away). O Haridasa, without considering the family of your birth, I offer my respectful obeisances to you.

49 (Haridasa is taken aback. He bows down with great awe and reverence).

50 Advaita: Sarvabhauma, why have you left the lotus feet of Shri Krishna Chaitanya?

51 Sarvabhauma: It is like this. (He tells everything).

52 Advaita: Now everyone should stop. We talk with Sarvabhauma.

53 Everyone: As it pleases You.

54 (They arrange their own residence at the campsite).

55 Shrikanta: (to Sivananda) Noble maternal uncle, if you give permission, I will go ahead.

56 Sivananda: Do as you please.

57 (Shrikanta offers obeisances and exits).

58 Advaita: Come, Bhattacarya. Come. I will arrange my camp and then I will hear everything.

(They all exit).

59 (Svarupa and Govinda enter).

Svarupa: I heard Advaita Acarya and all the devotees have come from Bengal.

60 Govinda: Now they must be leaving the main highway. Shrikanta has already arrived.

61 Svarupa: Where is he?

62 Govinda: He is talking with Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

63 Svarupa: Let's listen.

(They approach).

64 (Lord Chaitanya enters and sits on a comfortable seat. He is accompanied by Paramananda Puri, and, at small distance, by Shrikanta.)

65 Mahaprabhu: Shrikanta, tell Me: Who has come?

66 Shrikanta: Lord, all Your devotees have come. This year not a single person stayed behind. Some of the devotees have never seen Your lotus feet before..

67 Svarupa: (approaching) Glory, glory to Lord Mahaprabhu!

68 Mahaprabhu: Come, come here Svarupa. (He gives him a seat nearby).

(Shrikanta offers obeisances to Svarupa).

69 Mahaprabhu: Shrikanta, of those who have come, who has not seen Me before?

70 Shrikanta: Lord, Advaita Acarya's sons, beginning with Vishnu dasa and Gopala dasa. Also there is Advaita's friend Shrinatha, who is loved by all the devotees.

71 Mahaprabhu: Why did Shrinatha leave Sivananda's group and instead become one of Advaita's group?

72 Shrikanta: Advaita said to him: "I will give you a private audience with Lord Mahaprabhu, and He will be especially merciful to you." That was Advaita's promise to him.


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