Game Over for the Earth Globe, Part 4


Jan 22, 2021 — IRELAND (SUN) —

The following paper is the final part of our review of the Temple of Vedic Planetarium Universal Chandelier video. The video in question is an attempt by representatives of the Temple of Vedic Planetarium (TOVP) to depict the Vedic Earth and other features of the Vedic cosmos as they are described in Srimad Bhagavatam. Although the TOVP representatives seem committed to the current belief that the Earth is a globe floating in space, in the previous papers we have so far high-lighted two inescapable conclusions from the TOVP’s own presentation: (1) the Vedic Earth as described in Srimad Bhagavatam is a circular landscape (Bhu-mandala) and is held by Ananta-sesha; (2) our own location (in Bharata-varsha) is part of a colossal landmass called Jambudvipa which is in the center of the Earth-circle. We have so far seen that neither the description of Bhu-mandala, nor the description of Bharata-varsha’s location upon it, bears any resemblance whatsoever to the modern Earth globe concept. Since Srimad Bhagavatam describes the Earth as a flat circular landscape held by Ananta-sesha, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness actually has no scriptural basis for otherwise presenting the Earth as a globe floating in space.

In order to perhaps mitigate the radical implications of the Srimad Bhagavatam's flat-Earth model, members of the society have employed the magical words, 'multi-dimensional universe', as a means to include the modern Earth-globe idea into ISKCON's current presentation of the 'Vedic cosmos.' However, as we shall see, the presentation of the Earth as a globe floating in space can only be sustained at the cost of contradicting the Srimad Bhagavatam's own description of the Earth, as well as the relative position of the Sun, Moon, and other planets. Before looking at the mistakes in this multi-dimensional view of the universe, let us continue looking at some further details from the TOVP video which again demonstrates why the Vedic Earth does not correspond in any way to the modern Earth-globe idea. In his narration, Antardvipa dasa states:

    “Moving out we can see the broader Bhu-mandala with seven concentric islands and oceans surrounding them."

The above image is the TOVP’s depiction of the Earth (Bhu-mandala) with its seven islands and oceans in the form of concentric circles. What shape do we see? Do we see the Earth depicted as a globe, or do we see the Earth depicted as a circle? For all those who are up in arms with our argument that the Vedic Earth is not a globe, just look again at the above image; what shape do you see? Based on the Srimad Bhagavatam's description, there is actually no way to avoid depicting the Bhu-mandala as a circular landscape that is spread out along a horizontal plane (a flat-Earth). Our own area of the Earth is situated upon this circular landscape, and is not otherwise described as a separate planet floating in space.

Since we have already discussed the seven islands and oceans of Bhu-mandala in many previous papers, we shall just say briefly that these seven cosmic-sized islands and oceans of the Earth are measured in Srimad Bhagavatam at 25,350,000 yojanas (202,800,000 miles). Although the Earth plane actually continues into other areas such as the Golden Land, Lokaloka Mountain, and Aloka-varsha, the seven cosmic-sized islands and oceans are the main inhabited areas on the Earth’s surface. The Bhu-mandala also has huge underground realms which are home to asuras and nagas. In any case, the above measurement for the Earth’s seven islands and oceans should lead followers of Srimad Bhagavatam to raise a hand and ask why the leadership of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness are not preaching about the true size and shape of the Earth. Since the Earth’s seven islands and oceans measure over 25 million yojanas, why is ISKCON not using this conception of the Earth’s shape and size to question the otherwise complacent assumption that we live on a globe-shaped planet with a circumference of 24,900 miles? Why is the Srimad Bhagavatam's flat-Earth model not presented as the true shape of the Earth we stand upon? Indeed, why is the term ‘flat-Earth’ even a taboo subject in ISKCON?

One may agree with it or not, but there is no arguing with the Srimad Bhagavatam's description that Bharata-varsha is located at the southern side of Jambudvipa (SB 5.16.1-9), and that Jambudvipa is itself surrounded by the other islands and oceans of the Bhu-mandala which cover an area of hundreds of millions of miles. Since this is the case, why does ISKCON’s leadership not preach consistently with the Srimad Bhagavatam's teaching that we—who are located in Bharata-varsha—are actually part of the larger landscape of Jambudvipa, that Jambudvipa is part of the even larger landscape of Bhu-mandala, that the entire Earth is held up by Ananta-sesha, and that the Sun and Moon rotate above the Earth-circle, not around an Earth globe? Since this is how Srimad Bhagavatam describes our location and situation relative to the rest of the Earth and the other planets, where is the question that we are living on an independent planet floating in space? On the basis of Srimad Bhagavatam's description of the Earth—and specifically the location of Bharata-varsha in Jambudvipa—why does the Temple of Vedic Planetarium not initiate a serious deconstruction of the ideology and propaganda supporting the belief that we live on a supposed Earth globe?

The idea that science confirms the Earth to be a globe is generally coming from members of ISKCON who have taken little or no interest in studying refutations of the claims made on behalf of the globe idea. Unfortunately, instead of calling into question the authenticity of the so-called space program (as Srila Prabhupada himself did), members of the society seem to put more faith in NASA’s so-called photos of the Earth globe floating in space than in the Srimad Bhagavatam's description of Bharata-varsha’s location upon the colossal Earth-circle held by Ananta-sesha. All of NASA’s images, however, are demonstrably false. To take just one example, consider the following image of the so-called Earth taken by NASA in 2012.

The above image is entitled “Blue Marble” and was supposedly taken on January 4, 2012 by the Suomi NPP satellite.

But waitaminute! Look at the size of North America! There is no room for the rest of the Earth!

Since the above image of 'the Blue Marble' is clearly unreal, one may justifiably question why a so-called space agency would present a fake image of the Earth. For those who are bemused as to why we continue to discuss the flat-Earth at this movement of world crisis, the answer is because the so-called crisis is orchestrated by the same manipulative forces who have kept people in a false sense of reality regarding the true nature and purpose of the Earth itself. For purposes of control and exploitation, the trans-national government of Kali-yuga has kept people in the dark regarding the nature of both the physical and spiritual world. By seeing through the globe illusion, one will see through every other form of illusion and deception that is currently perpetrated by the 'satanic government' of Kali-yuga.

If we accept and stick consistently to the description that Bharata-varsha is part of Jambudvipa and thus part of a larger Earth plane, then there are no grounds for members of ISKCON to constantly flick back and forth from the Srimad Bhagavatam's description, to the idea that Bharata-varsha is a supposed Earth globe floating in space. Since the Temple Of Vedic Planetarium in the above instance correctly presents the Vedic Earth as having a colossal circular landscape covering hundreds of millions of miles, the only question is why ISKCON’s spiritual leaders are not as yet preaching to their followers that we live on this massive Earth plane, and not on an Earth globe.


In the next scene (see image below) the TOVP representative acknowledges that the Sun and the Moon rotate above the Earth-circle:

    “Above Bhu-mandala is Bhuvarloka which is the residence of the Charanas, Siddhas, Yakshas, Gandharvas, and above there is Svargaloka beginning with the Sun and extending up to the Polestar Dhruvaloka. This is the moving part of the display. Here we can see the Sun and the Moon moving in their chariots. Above them, the zodiac of stars, more planets, and another realm of stars. So here we can see everything moving with the kala-chakra, circumambulating the axis that connects Mount Meru with Dhruvaloka.”

Please notice that in the above video there is no ‘Earth-globe planet’ depicted along with the Sun and Moon. We see the planets of the Sun and Moon drawn through space by chariots, but we do not see an Earth globe depicted along with them. This is because the Earth in question is the massive Bhu-mandala which is located hundreds of thousands of miles below the Sun and Moon, and there is no second Earth globe/planet mentioned in the Srimad Bhagavatam's description of the other planets. As we have already discussed at length in our previous papers, the Earth is not described in Srimad Bhagavatam as ‘a planet’ that floats and moves in space like the other planets. In SB 5.23.3 it is explained that the planets and stars all move around the Polestar (Dhruvaloka) in a circular motion, and that they float and move by the power of the wind (Vayu). By contrast, the great Earth-circle is in its own unique category and is held like an atom on one of the thousand heads of Ananta-sesha: murdhany arpitam anuvat sahasra-murdhno bhu-golam (SB 5.25.12). The Earth-circle crosses the center of the universe and all the stars and planets rotate above this great field.

Through-out the Puranas, the nine planets are described as being pulled by chariots. The Earth, however, is not included as one of the nine planets (grahas), and consequently not requiring a chariot. The Earth does not require a chariot because it not moving. The nine planets (grahas) are all named and described in Chapter Twenty-two of the Fifth Canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam, and a so-called ‘Earth-globe’ is not one of them. The Earth is not a graha like the Sun and Moon, rather the constantly moving grahas exert their astrological influence upon the residents of the stationary Earth-circle situated below. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, etc., are all named by Sukadeva Goswami, and they are described as rotating above the Earth-circle, each one at a higher altitude than the other. Antardvipa dasa has mentioned this detail in his narration to the TOVP video: “Above them” [i.e. the Sun and Moon], are “the zodiac of stars, more planets, and another realm of stars’.

Now, why is it important to understand that in the Vedic planetary arrangement the planets are described as being ‘above’ the Earth? This detail is essential to understand because as we shall see below with examples from Sadaputa dasa, Danavir Goswami, and Pavaneshwar dasa, whenever members of ISKCON attempt to introduce the Earth globe into Vedic cosmology they are obliged to show the Sun and Moon orbiting around a small Earth globe, rather than as rotating above the gigantic Earth circle. Why does that matter? It matters because when members of the society show the Sun and Moon orbiting around an Earth globe, they are thereby engaged in presenting an idea of the Earth, Sun, and Moon which actually has nothing to do with the original Vedic cosmology as it is described in Srimad Bhagavatam. We shall presently see how the Srimad Bhagavatam's placement of the Sun and Moon above the Earth causes an impasse for those members of ISKCON who wish to otherwise argue that we live on an Earth globe, and that the globe is part of the so-called solar system.


What is happening in ISKCON’s presentation of Vedic cosmology is that rather than working consistently with Srimad Bhagavatam's description of Bharata-varsha as a series of islands at the southern side of Jambudvipa (the central island of the Earth-circle), and that the Sun and Moon rotate at respective heights above the plane of the Earth-circle, members of the society are instead presenting verses from texts like the Surya-siddhanta, or from ancient Indian astronomers such as Aryabhata, and even an assortment of cherry-picked statements from Srila Prabhupada himself in order to justify the idea that Bharata-varsha is a globe-shaped planet floating in space. However, no matter how many attempts are made to derive a globe concept from the text of the Surya-siddhanta or from ancient Indian astronomers, none of these statements can be made to fit consistently with the Srimad Bhagavatam's own description of Bharata-varsha’s location in Jambudvipa, and the relative position of the Sun and Moon above the Earth-circle.

The constitutional position of Bharata-varsha is to always remain as one of the nine varshas (regions) of Jambudvipa; not that it can ever be taken from its constitutional position and erroneously presented as an independent planet floating in space. The resort to texts like Surya-siddhanta in order to support the Earth globe idea does not lead to a ‘reconciliation’ between the Vedic and modern idea of the Earth, rather it leads to a complete displacement of the Srimad Bhagavatam's description of our location upon a larger flat-Earth landscape. We shall explain all of this clearly in our next set of papers dealing with Surya-siddhanta. To help explain the contradictory presentation from ISKCON, we ask the reader to look again at the scene below from the Temple of Vedic Planetarium promotional video which shows the Sun and Moon in their chariots rotating above the Earth circle.

In previous papers we have stated that those members of ISKCON who are supporting the Earth globe idea are faced with checkmate at every move. In keeping with our chess analogy, we shall now explain why the above scene signals the end of yet another game for the supporters of the globe. The scene at 2.24 minutes shows the TOVP’s depiction of the chariots of the Sun and Moon rotating 'above' the Earth, and looking down upon the seven islands and oceans of Bhu-mandala. Since Bharata-varsha is part of Bhu-mandala, we are obviously at ‘ground level’ and thus looking ‘up’ at the planets which rotate in circles above us.

The reason why one may not get the idea that our own region of the Earth-circle (Bharata-varsha) is at ‘ground level’ is because the ground itself (the seven islands of Bhu-mandala) have been erroneously depicted as voids in space. The circles in the above image are meant to depict one solid contiguous Earth landscape comprised of seven islands and oceans that take the form of concentric circles; this entire landscape is held from below by Ananta-sesha. In any case, if we look at the above image, we can just about see the circular-shaped Jambudvipa with Mount Meru in the center [a vertical line can be seen coming from the top of Mount Meru, which continues up to Dhruvaloka/the Pole Star]. Since our region of the Earth-circle (Bharata-varsha) is located in Jambudvipa, it is to be understood that we are situated at ‘ground level’ so to speak, not that we are situated on a planet that is floating in space. The Puranas describe that the Sun is situated 100,000 yojanas (800,000 miles) above the surface of the Earth plane, and that the Moon is a further 100,000 yojanas (800,000 miles) above the height of the Sun (1,600,000 miles above the surface of the Earth).

Now let’s see what happens whenever members of ISKCON wish to argue that the Earth is a globe…

The image below shows a standard depiction of the so-called solar system, and the Earth-globe’s relative position to the other planets. However, instead of the Sun and Moon shown as rotating above the plane of an Earth-circle as Srimad Bhagavatam describes, the Earth is presented as a small globe, and the other planets are shown as being on the same orbital plane as the Earth itself.

Members of ISKCON are attempting to argue that the Earth globe in this image is the equivalent of the Bharata-varsha described in Vedic cosmology; however, let us remember that the TOVP have just informed us that Bharata-varsha is part of Jambudvipa, and is surrounded by the other islands and oceans of the Earth-circle, not that Bharata-varsha is surrounded by the other planets. They have also informed us that the Sun, Moon, stars, and planets are all above the circle of the Earth, not that the Sun and Moon are on the same orbital plane as the so-called Earth-globe. To confirm that point, let us once again hear Antardvipa dasa’s word’s: “Above Bhu-mandala is Bhuvarloka which is the residence of the Charanas, Siddhas, Yakshas, Gandharvas, and above there is Svargaloka beginning with the Sun and extending up to the Polestar Dhruvaloka. This is the moving part of the display. Here we can see the Sun and the Moon moving in their chariots. Above them, the zodiac of stars, more planets, and another realm of stars”.

In the TOVP’s original image showing the Srimad Bhagavatam's description of the planetary arrangement we saw the Sun and Moon rotating above the seven islands and oceans of the Earth circle; in the second image showing the Western idea of the planetary arrangement (the solar system), the planets are shown to be on the same level as the Earth itself, and thus positioned where the islands and oceans of Bhu-mandala should actually be. These two conceptions of the relative position of the Sun and the Moon to the Earth are completely opposed, and this creates an insurmountable problem for those trying to integrate the globe idea into the Srimad Bhagavatam's cosmological description.

To help explain the incompatibility of these two ideas of how the Earth, Sun, and Moon are situated, let us consider the example of an airplane. An airplane as we know flies above the surface of the Earth. If an airplane tried to move on the surface of the Earth, i.e. through mountains, across valleys, and upon the sea, that would not be possible. Similarly it is not possible for the Sun and Moon (which are described in Srimad Bhagavatam as rotating above the plane of the Earth-circle) to be somehow orbiting at the same level as the Earth itself. With a diameter of 500 million yojanas, the Vedic Earth is so large that it spans the entire center of the universe, and thus there is no room for the Sun and Moon to be orbiting ‘around’ the Earth; the Sun and Moon can only move in circular rotations ‘above’ the Earth. Like the airplane trying to crash its way through the surface of the Earth, if the Sun, Moon, and other planets were at the same orbital level as Bharata-varsha itself, they would be crashing through the gigantic landscape of Bhu-mandala.


In order to explain how Bharata-varsha can simultaneously be part of the flat-Earth (Bhu-mandala) with the Sun and moon rotating ‘above’ it, whilst at the same time manifesting as a globe floating in space with the Sun and Moon and other planets orbiting ‘around’ it, members of the society have invoked the magical concept of a ‘multi-dimensional universe’. However this idea of a ‘multi-dimensional universe’ has not been carefully thought through, it is full of contradictions, and ultimately leads to a displacement of Srimad Bhagavatam's own description of the planetary arrangement. To help explain why the multi-dimensional universe idea is antithetical to the Srimad Bhagavatam's description of the planetary arrangement, let us consider the arrangement of the human body. Sri Krishna has created the human body with the heart in one area, and the lungs, liver, kidney, etc. in other areas:

Likewise, all of the places (lokas) in the universal body (virat-rupa) have been assigned their particular location.

The above picture from Rajastan (circa 1800-1900) shows Sri Krishna in his cosmic form (Virat-rupa). Note how the Earth is depicted as a great circular landscape which gives us another indication of how the people at this time understood the shape of the Earth. As we can see, the Earth is situated on the hips of the universal form as described by Sukadeva Goswami below:

    “Persons who have realized it have studied that the planets known as Patala constitute the bottoms of the feet of the universal Lord, and the heels and the toes are the Rasatala planets. The ankles are the Mahatala planets, and His shanks constitute the Talatala planets.The knees of the universal form are the planetary system of the name Sutala, and the two thighs are the Vitala and Atala planetary systems. The hips are Mahitala, and outer space is the depression of His navel. The chest of the Original Personality of the gigantic form is the luminary planetary system, His neck is the Mahar planets, His mouth is the Janas planets, and His forehead is the Tapas planetary system. The topmost planetary system, known as Satyaloka, is the head of He who has one thousand heads.” (SB 2.1.26-28)

Here it says the Earth (Mahitala) is situated on the hips of the universal form, whereas the luminaries (jyotih-anikam) are situated on the chest. Just as the chest on a human body cannot be situated on the hips, in the same way one cannot invoke the magical ‘multi-universe’ universe idea in order to argue that the Sun and Moon (which are on the chest of the universal form) are orbiting on the same level as the Earth itself (which is located on the hips).

In Vedic cosmology each place in the universe is separated from the other by a certain distance measured in yojanas, and also placed in relation to the other according to a particular direction. The ten directions are north, south, east, west, north-east, south-east, northwest, southwest, above and below. The Vedic universe is three dimensional in the sense that it has a certain height, length, and breath; likewise, each place within the universe occupies its own space with a certain height, length, and breath. The dimensions of each loka are provided, and the distance and direction from one place to another is also provided. Thus Sri Krishna has created differentiation (bheda) between one place and another according to distance and direction. This is stated by Vidura in a discussion with Maitrya Rsi:

    "The Supreme King of all kings has created different planets and places of habitation where living entities are situated in terms of the modes of nature and work, and He has created their different kings and rulers." (SB 3.5.8)

The synonyms for this verse are:

    yaih—by whom; tattva—truth; bhedaih—by differentiation; adhiloka-nathah—the King of the kings; lokan—planets; alokan—planets of the lower region; saha—along with; loka-palan—respective kings; aciklpat—planned; yatra—wherein; hi—certainly; sarva—all; sattva—existence; nikaya—living entities; bhedah—difference; adhikritah—occupied; pratitah—it so appears.

In his purport to this verse Srila Prabhupada also emphasizes the point of 'difference' between one loka and another:

    "Lord Krishna is the chief King of all kings, and He has created different planets for all kinds of living entities. Even on this planet there are different places for inhabitation by different types of men. There are places like deserts, ice lands, and valleys in mountainous countries, and in each of them there are different kinds of men born of different modes of nature according to their past deeds. There are people in the Arabian deserts and in the valleys of the Himalayan Mountains, and the inhabitants of these two places differ from one another, just as the inhabitants of the ice lands also differ from them. Similarly, there are also different planets. The planets below the earth down to the Patala planet are full of various kinds of living beings; no planet is vacant, as wrongly imagined by the modern so-called scientist. In Bhagavad-gita we find it said by the Lord that the living entities are sarva-gata, or present in every sphere of life. So there is no doubt that on other planets there are also inhabitants like us, sometimes with greater intelligence and greater opulence. The living conditions for those of greater intelligence are more luxurious than on this earth. There are also planets where no sunlight reaches, and there are living entities who must live there due to their past deeds. All such plans for living conditions are made by the Supreme Lord, and Vidura requested Maitreya to describe this for the sake of further enlightenment."

In his discussion with Maitreya Rsi, Vidura specifically asks Maitrey Rsi to describe the situation of the lokas both above and below the Earth:

    "O son of Mitra, kindly describe how the planets are situated above (upari) the earth (bhumeh) as well as underneath it (adhah), and also please mention their measurement (pramanam) as well as that of the earthly planets (Bhuh-lokasya)." (SB 3.7.26)

The answer to Vidura’s question comes in the Fifth Canto when Sukadeva Goswami answers a similar question by King Pariksit. During the course of his reply, Sukadeva Goswami describes the direction and distance of one place to another. Since each place in the universe is described as occupying a specific space within the universal form, it cannot be the case that the Sun, for example, can be described as rotating ‘above’ the Earth, and at the same time described as orbiting at the same level as the Earth itself. Just as the heart cannot be simultaneously in the place of the intestines, so the Sun and Moon cannot be simultaneously rotating hundreds of thousand yojanas above a massive Earth circle, and at the same time be said to be orbiting around a small Earth globe. If one idea is true, the other is certainly false.

Those members of ISKCON who are invoking the magical ‘multi-dimensional’ universe idea in order to argue that the Sun and Moon are orbiting around an Earth globe, (when Srimad Bhagavatam itself describes the Sun and Moon as rotating above an Earth circle) are simply ignoring the fact that Sri Krishna has created differentiation (bheda) between one place and another. Since all the lokas are situated in their respective places in the universal form, it cannot be argued that the Sun and Moon are situated where Srimad Bhagavatam places them, and at the same time that they are situated where modern Western astronomers places them. The idea of a multi-dimensional universe wherein all is one without differentiation, and wherein anything and everything is possible, does not lead to a reconciliation between the Vedic and Western cosmological system; it rather leads to the displacement of the Vedic teachings regarding the planetary arrangement. The Puranas do not teach a multi-dimensional universe wherein completely opposite ideas of how planets are arranged can both be accepted as true. Those presenting Vedic cosmology have to clearly explain the 'difference' between one idea and the other.


In Canto Eleven of the Srimad Bhagavatam, Sri Krishna explained to Uddhava how the universe is divided according to the three gunas (modes of nature):

    “Lord Brahma, the soul of the universe, being endowed with the mode of passion, performed great austerities by My mercy and thus created the three planetary divisions, called Bhur, Bhuvar and Svar, along with their presiding deities. Heaven was established as the residence of the demigods, Bhuvarloka as that of the ghostly spirits, and the earth system as the place of human beings and other mortal creatures. Those mystics who strive for liberation are promoted beyond these three divisions. Lord Brahma created the region below the earth for the demons and the Naga snakes. In this way the destinations of the three worlds were arranged as the corresponding reactions for different kinds of work performed within the three modes of nature.” (SB 11.24.11-13)

Again, in the Bhagavad-gita, Sri Krishna explains:

    urdhvam gacchanti sattva-stha
    madhye tisthanti rajasah
    adho gacchanti tamasah

    "Those situated in the mode of goodness gradually go upward to the higher planets; those in the mode of passion live on the earthly planets; and those in the abominable mode of ignorance go down to the hellish worlds." (Bg 14.18)

The words urdhvam (above/upward) madhye (middle) and adhah (below/downward) refer to physical directions. The globe-shaped universe (anda) has an upper and lower side. Lord Vamana, for example, pierced (nirbhinna) the top (urdhva) of the universe (anda-kataha) and through the hole, the pure water of the Causal Ocean entered this universe as the Ganges River (SB 5.17.1). The distance and direction from one place to the other are measured from Mount Meru which is in the center of the Earth-circle. The Earth is 'ground level' and covers the center or middle (madhye) portion of the universe. The Sun, Moon stars and other planets are situated above (urdhvam) the Earth, and the Bila-svarga (subterranean heavens) and Naraka (hells) are below (adhah) the Earth. The word ‘below’ in this instance means beneath the surface area of the Earth. The subterranean heavens and hells are literally the underground realms of the gigantic Bhu-mandala.

Since the universe is divided according to the modes of nature, the Sun and Moon are described as being situated ‘above’ the Earth because they are in a higher mode. Thus followers of Srimad Bhagavatam have to accept that the Sun and Moon are situated where they are described to be. The Sun and Moon are part of Svarga-loka which is above the level or plane of Bhur-loka (the Earth location). If the Sun and Moon were orbiting on the same orbital plane as the Earth globe, Svarga-loka would be deemed to be situated at the same level as the Earth itself (Bhur-loka). If the Sun and Moon were on the same orbital level as the Earth itself, the division of the universe according to the three modes of nature would be rendered meaningless.

Maps of the universe must carefully follow the distance and direction from one place to another as described by Sukadeva Goswami. ISKCON’s concept of a multi-dimensional universe wherein the Earth, Sun, and Moon, are sometimes presented according to the Vedic version, and on other occasions presented according to the Western version, is just another contamination of the original Vedic cosmology, and is born of the impersonalistic and atheistic Western cosmology which does not recognize the proper distinction (bheda) between one loka and another as the Supreme Personality of Godhead has arranged them.

The above idea that an Earth-globe, Sun, and Moon orbit around each other doesn’t actually exist in the cosmology as described by Sukadeva Goswami. Nonetheless, all of ISKCON’s current explanations for cosmic phenomena such as day and night, seasons, phases of the Moon, etc., are based on the above Western idea that the Earth-globe, Sun, and Moon are on the same orbital plane, and that their respective movement is creating various effects (day and night, eclipses, etc.). We can show a few examples below to illustrate how members of ISKCON switch from the Vedic cosmological system to the Western cosmological system:


Example 1: For those who may not know, Sadaputa dasa (1947-2008) was an initiated disciple of Srila Prabhupada. After Srila Prabhupada’s departure he pioneered ISKCON’s research into Vedic cosmology and published a number of books and video documentaries on the subject. The illustration below from Sadaputa dasa’s Mysteries of the Sacred Universe documentary shows a depiction of Bharata-varsha’s location in the south of Jambudvipa, and surrounded by the other cosmic-sized islands and oceans of Bhu-mandala.

Although the above illustration displays a conscious awareness that Bharata-varsha is part of the larger flat-Earth, Sadaputa dasa never attempted to preach this flat-Earth concept as a factual alternative to the idea that we live on a globe; instead Sadaputa dasa ridiculed the idea that we live on a flat-Earth, and remained a staunch supporter of the globe world-view. In the image and narration below we can see that in the attempt to merge the globe ideology into Vedic cosmology, Sadaputa dasa basically abandoned the above model of Bharata-varsha’s location in Jambudvipa, and replaced it with the idea that Bharata-varsha is the supposed Earth globe floating in dark space. The image below shows Sadaputa dasa’s illustration for day and night on the globe:

In his narration to the above video, Sadaputa dasa states:

    “Although the Bhagavatam does not explicitly describe the Earth as a globe, it does so indirectly. For example it points out that night prevails diametrically opposite to a point where it is day; likewise there is sunset opposite a point where the Sun is rising.” (Sadaputa dasa, Mysteries of the Sacred Universe)

Despite what Sadaputa dasa says here, as anyone can read for themselves, Srimad Bhagavatam's description of the rising and setting of the Sun (see SB 5.21.7-9) is a description of how it occurs over the entire Bhu-mandala, not how it occurs on a so-called Earth globe. Instead of explaining how day and night occur on the flat-Earth (Bhu-mandala), Sadaputa dasa basically side-stepped Srimad Bhagavatam's flat-Earth model by referring to it as ‘higher dimensional’, and continued to work from the complacent assumption that the Earth is a globe floating in space. Indeed the globe (which is supposed to represent Bharata-varsha) became identified in Sadaputa dasa’s mind as ‘the Earth’ itself, when in fact, Bharata-varsha is not ‘the Earth’ but only a small part of a much larger Earth-circle. Following Sapauta dasa, when members of ISKCON think of ‘the Earth’, they generally think of a globe floating in space, but the Earth in question (according to Srimad Bhagavatam) is actually the Bhu-mandala, not a so-called Earth globe. By keeping members of the society focused on the Earth-globe, the Vedic teaching that we are situated on a larger Earth plane is lost. Since there is only one Earth in Srimad Bhagavatam (Bhu-mandala) something has obviously gone wrong when members of ISKCON think ‘the Earth’ in question is a globe, and have otherwise no understanding or faith in the Srimad Bhagavatam's teaching that the Earth is a gigantic circular plane.

Sadaputa dasa’s explanation for day and night works from the Western idea that the Earth in question is a globe, and that the Sun and Moon are on the same orbital plane as the Earth itself. The diagram below shows a common depiction of how the Earth, Sun, and Moon are situated on the same orbital plane in order to create day and night, Moon phases, etc.

Those members of ISKCON who are arguing on behalf of the globe make only one adjustment to this Western idea of how the Earth globe, Sun, and Moon are situated—rather than presenting the Sun as stationary with the Earth globe and other planets orbiting around it, they present the contrary idea that it is the Earth globe which is stationary, and that the Sun and other planets are orbiting around the Earth. However neither idea has anything to do with Vedic cosmology. Nowhere in the Puranas, will we find a description of the Sun orbiting around an Earth-globe or of an Earth-globe going around the Sun. Yes the Vedic Earth is indeed stationary, but the Sun in Vedic cosmology rotates above the stationary Earth-circle, not that it orbits around a stationary Earth globe. The Vedic Earth spans the entire center of the universe and is so large there is no room for the Sun to orbit around it. For that reason, the Sun rotates above the Earth. Likewise, the Moon rotates above the Earth circle, not around a supposed Earth globe as Western astronomers present.

In the above diagram the Sun and Moon are on the same orbital level as the Earth itself. When members of ISKCON resort to this model of the relative positions of the Earth globe, Sun, and Moon (in order to explain phenomena such as day and night, seasons, and eclipses with reference to the Earth globe), they simply abandon Srimad Bhagavatam's description of the the size and shape of the Earth in question, along with the description of the size, distance, and direction of the other planets in their relation to the Earth. The abandonment of the Srimad Bhagavatam's description of the Earth and its relation to the other planets is such a travesty that its hard to believe that even after five years of pointing out the glaring mistake in this presentation, we as yet have heard no public acknowledgment that any mistake has been made.

Example 2: Pavaneshwar dasa has produced a number of YouTube videos and a book on the subject of Vedic cosmology. Pavaneshwar dasa’s illustration below similarly shows awareness that Bharata-varsha is actually part of Jambudvipa, but again one part of Bharata-varsha is erroneously shown manifested as a globe.

Again, we raise the question that since Bharata-varsha is clearly shown as part of a larger flat-Earth, why is the reality of the larger flat-Earth never emphasized in Parameswara dasa’s preaching? Is it not news that our part of the Earth is just one small part of a much larger Earth plane? Instead of making the flat-Earth a point of emphasis, in the next image we see that the rest of the Earth plane has miraculously disappeared, and that the Sun and Moon are now shown orbiting around the Earth globe (in the space where Jambudvipa and the other islands of Bhu-mandala should be).

Pavaneshwar dasa, Bhagavata Cosmology - Vedic Planetarium, Planetary Movements, Oct 26, 2018

Remember this Earth globe is meant to represent our location as it is described in Srimad Bhagavatam, namely one of nine islands situated at the southern end of a huge landmass called Jambudvipa. But where is the rest of Bharata-varsha? Where is the rest of Jambudvipa as it appeared in the first image from Pavaneshwar dasa? Where is the rest of Bhu-mandala? Why are the Sun and Moon shown to be orbiting around an Earth globe instead of rotating above the Earth-circle? Why is the Moon shown closer to the Earth than the Sun? The above depiction of Bharata-varsha as an Earth globe has fundamentally departed from the constitutional understanding originally announced by the TOVP that ‘Jambudvipa is the central island of Bhu-mandala and Bharata-varsha is situated on the southern side of Jambudvipa’. Whatever sources one cares to cite as justification for presenting Bharata-varsha as a globe in space, the net result is those involved have fundamentally departed from how Bharata-varsha’s location and situation is described in Srimad Bhagavatam.

Instead of Pavaneshwar dasa’s explanation for the eclipse remaining consistent with the Srimad Bhagavatam's model that the Sun and Moon rotate above the vast plane of the Earth-circle, the entire Vedic planetary arrangement has been thrown out the window in favour of the Western solar system idea, which shows the planets on the same orbital plane, and orbiting around an Earth globe. Whether one agrees or not with this idea of how the planets appear and function, it has nothing to do with how Srimad Bhagavatam describes the situation. In order to accommodate the modern Earth globe idea, members of the society simply switch from from the Srimad Bhagavatam's cosmological system to the Western cosmological model, as if nothing is amiss, and that there is no contradiction to be considered.

Example 3: In order to illustrate this contradiction more clearly let us take another example from Danavir Goswami. Again for those who may not know, Danavir Goswami is an initiated disciple of Srila Prabhupada and he has written a number of influential books on the subject of Vedic cosmology. The image below from Danavir Goswami’s Vedic Cosmos documentary shows the nine islands of Bharata-varsha situated at the southern side of Jambudvipa, and surrounded by the vast Salt Water Ocean that extends for 100,000 yojanas (800,000 miles).

Though has correctly depicted Bharata-varsha as part of the larger flat-Earth plane, he has incorrectly depicted our specific area in Bharata-varsha in the form of an Earth globe. Why indeed would one part of the flat-Earth manifest as a globe? Though Danavir Goswami is clearly conscious that Bharata-varsha is part of the flat-Earth, in the diagram below which illustrates the eclipse, Danavir Goswami simply vanishes the entire area of Jambudvipa (as shown in the above image), and leaves only Bharata-varsha in the form of a globe standing in space, and surrounded by the Sun and Moon.

Leaving aside the presence of Rahu for the moment, we see that Danavir Goswami has entirely changed the Srimad Bhagavatam's teaching that Sun and Moon are both rotating hundreds of thousands of miles above the plane of the massive Earth-circle. Danavir Goswami has simply removed the Bhu-mandala, and replaced it with the Western Earth-globe idea. In his illustration Danavir Goswami has labelled one of the globe-shaped planets as ‘the Earth’, but ‘the Earth’ according to Srimad Bhagavatam is the gigantic Bhu-mandala, not a so-called Earth globe. Here we see a complete misrepresentation of what is meant by ‘the Earth’. Danavir Goswami’s depiction of ‘the Earth’ as a globe is simply based on the modern assumption that the Earth is a globe; it is really nothing more than an assumption since neither Bhu-mandala nor Bharata-varsha correlate in any way with this conception of the Earth.

What is ‘the Earth’ in the above diagram meant to represent? If it is meant to represent Bharata-varsha, then we need only point out that Bharata-varsha is not the Earth itself, but only a small part of the much larger Earth circle. In this sleight of hand, Bharata-varsha which is really only a small part of the larger Earth-circle, becomes redefined as the Earth itself (Bhu-gola) and meanwhile the actual Bhu-gola which is 500 million yojanas in diameter is entirely removed from the picture. In chapter 20 of the Fifth Canto, Sukadeva specifically states that the Earth (Bhu-gola) is 500 million yojanas in diameter vicintitah kavibhih sa tu pancasat-koti-ganitasya bhu-golasya (SB 5.20.38). Bharata-varsha is thus a small location upon the Bhu-gola, not the Bhu-gola itself. Ignoring this fact, members of ISKCON erroneously present Bharata-varsha as the Earth (Bhu-gola). There is thus complete confusion regarding Sukadeva Goswami’s description of the names (nama), forms (rupa) and measurements (manah) of places within the Vedic cosmos. Once this redefinition of Bharata-varsha takes place, one is no longer ‘re-presenting’ Vedic cosmology as it is originally taught by Sukadeva Goswami in Srimad Bhagavatam. The only way to disentangle from this mishmash is by correct apprehension of three key names in Vedic cosmology—Bharata-varsha, Jambudvipa, and Bhu-gola, and to map these areas as they are described.

In the above illustration, Danavir Goswami has shown the Earth-globe to be coming between the Sun and Moon in order to be part of the cause for the lunar eclipse. Such an idea is not possible, however, because the Earth in question (the Bhu-mandala) is always below the height of the Sun and Moon [remember the TOVP’s illustration of the sun and Moon in their chariots rotating above the Earth], and since the Earth itself it is held in a stationary position by Ananta-sesha, it cannot ever come between the Sun and the Moon which are always rotating at their respective heights above it.

Even accepting the ludicrous idea that the rest of Bhu-mandala disappears into another dimension and Bharata-varsha is somehow the only part left visible, and somehow manifesting as a globe-shaped planet floating in space with the other planets orbiting around it—such a scenario will always contradict the Srimad Bhagavatam's description that the other planets rotate ‘above’ the Earth-plane, not that they orbit ‘around’ the Earth-globe. It is not that the Sun and Moon are both going to descend hundreds of thousands of yojanas in order to come to the same orbital plane as the Earth-globe—which they would need to do in order for Danavir explanations for day and night, seasons, the eclipse, etc., to be acceptable.

The actual Vedic explanation for the eclipse is that the dark planet Rahu crosses in front of the Sun and Moon thus blocking our vision of the Sun and Moon—the respective orbits of the Sun and Moon around a so-called Earth globe has nothing to with it. We have presented our refutation of Danavir Goswami’s explanation a paper called The Vedic Flat-Earth, Rahu, and the Eclipse (Parts 1-3). Links to the three papers can be found here. Despite Sukadeva Goswami’s clear description of the planetary arrangement, every-time members of ISKCON attempt an explanation for phenomena such as day and night, eclipses, etc, the explanation is always based on the modern Western idea that the Earth is a globe in space with the Sun and Moon orbiting around it, and not from the Srimad Bhagavatam's teachings that the Earth is a circular plane and that the Sun and Moon rotate at their respective heights the plane of the Earth.


On the 13 January 2021 the above mentioned videos by Sadaputa dasa and Danavir Goswami were uploaded to the TOVP's official YouTube channel. Since their is no disclaimer, we naturally assume that the management of the TOVP have no particular objection to the presence of the Earth globe as it features in the above presentations of Vedic cosmology. Since Antardvipa dasa is credited on the TOVP website as being the 'Director of Research' for the Vedic planetarium, we therefore address the following question to Antardvipa dasa: Does Antardvipa dasa agree or disagree with the above image showing Sadaputa dasa's presentation of day and night on the globe, and Danvir Goswami’s depiction of the Solar and Lunar eclipse?

We have already heard from Antardvipa dasa in own his narration to the TOVP promotional video that the Sun and Moon rotate above the Earth-circle. Since the Moon rotates above the Sun by a distance of 100,000 yojanas (800,000 miles), would Antardvipa dasa care to explain how the Moon can ever come between the Earth and the Sun in order to be a factor in the creation of a Solar Eclipse? Again, since 'the Earth' (Bhu-mandala) always remains fixed at 'ground level', how can it ever come between the Sun and the Moon to cause a Lunar Eclipse? Moreover, why is it that ISKCON’s current explanations for cosmic phenomena all work from the Western idea that the Earth-globe, Sun and Moon orbit around each other, rather than from the Srimad Bhagavatam's model of the Sun and Moon rotating above the stationary Earth-circle?

Despite ISKCON producing videos such as the official TOVP promotional video depicting Earth as a circular landscape, despite there being no account in the Puranas of Bharata-varsha jettisoning from the Bhu-mandala and becoming an independent Earth globe floating in space, despite there being no mention in the commentaries of the acharyas to the Fifth Canto than an Earth globe is a factor in the cause of the eclipse, despite all of the above, members of ISKCON continue to fool themselves and indoctrinate others that there is such a thing as an Earth globe which is the cause of the shadow on the Moon during a lunar eclipse. The whole explanation for the eclipse, as well as other cosmic phenomena such as day and night, phases of the Moon, etc., deviates from the original Vedic conception of Earth, Sun, and Moon and their relative position and distance to one another. Such an idea could not happen if one stuck consistently with the above idea in the TOVP promotional video that the Sun is above the Earth, and the Moon is above the Sun. And certainly the idea that the Moon is closer to the Earth than the Sun is an idea that would never get past Srila Prabhupada.

We have yet to hear any official rejection from the Temple Of Vedic Planetarium to Danavir Goswami’s explanation for the eclipse. Will Antardvipa dasa please confirm or deny if the Temple Of Vedic Planetarium intends to present an explanation for the eclipse based on the above idea that an Earth-globe is part of the cause in the Vedic explanation for the solar and lunar eclipse?


The Vedic and modern conceptions of Earth, Sun, and Moon are actually two entirely different cosmological systems, and indeed, two entirely different understandings of reality. Yet members of ISKCON flick back and forth between two entirely contradictory understandings of the Earth as if nothing is amiss. Whether one believes the Western explanation or not is not the point here; the point is that members of ISKCON have been instructed by Srila Prabhupada to present the Srimad Bhagavatam's cosmological system, not the Western cosmological system, or a merge of both.

When we look at the differences between the ancient Vedic and modern so-called ‘scientific’ understanding of how the planets are arranged, move, and function, it becomes clear that these two world-views are two very different ideas regarding how the universe looks and functions. Despite the Vedic and Western cosmological systems being unalike, radically opposed, and incompatible—particularly in relation to the conception of the Earth—members of ISKCON nonetheless try to work with both systems simultaneously as if both conceptions of the Earth can simply merge in and out of each other to provide a compatible and harmonious explanation for cosmic phenomena such as day and night, seasons, eclipses, etc. As we have seen, however, the Vedic ‘Earth-circle’ and the modern ‘Earth globe’ are two radically opposed and conflicting conceptions of reality, and the acceptance of one necessarily entails a rejection of the other.

Just as a one-way traffic flow is arranged to work differently from a two-way traffic flow, so the Vedic universe is arranged and flows in a manner quite different from the modern understanding. ISKCON’s simultaneous use of both Vedic and modern conceptions of the Earth is comparable to a brazen driver on a one way traffic system, who wrongly assumes that he can apply the rules of a two-way traffic system whenever he feels like it.

Like a brash driver going in the wrong direction on a one way system, members of ISKCON steer back and forth between the ancient Vedic and modern Western conception of the Earth in a completely whimsical and arbitrary manner. We have seen above how in one instance devotees like Sadaputa dasa, Danavir Goswami, and Pavaneshwar dasa correctly present Bharata-varsha’s location at ‘ground level’ in Jambudvipa with the Sun and Moon rotating above it, then immediately jump to the idea that Bharata-varsha is an Earth globe floating in space with the Sun and Moon orbiting around it. These two conceptions of Earth, Sun and Moon are two entirely different and opposing systems of belief, but due to attachment to the Earth globe belief, members of ISKCON are invested in developing shallow arguments to somehow prove that Bharata-varsha is the supposed Earth-globe floating in space, despite the fact that the shastra explains the location and nature of Bharata-varsha, and its relation to the other planets in a radically different way.

Whilst a cheeky driver on a quiet street may occasionally flaunt the traffic rules and get away with it, driving in the wrong direction on a one way traffic system—whether by accident or by whim—will inevitably result in some sort of collision. The danger intensifies greatly on motorways and other places of fast flowing traffic:

Unfortunately we don’t have the equivalent of traffic warning signs, flashing lights, and traffic policemen, in the form of senior ISKCON members with enough understanding of the Vedic cosmological system, and enough spiritual authority to call a halt to the unlawful use of these two different systems of how the universe is arranged, looks, and functions. Members of ISKCON can’t continually be allowed to manoeuvre back and forth between the Vedic and Modern conception of the Earth, as if both conceptions are simultaneously true, when in fact, the two conceptions of the Earth are so radically different, that the truth of one necessarily implies the falsity, untruth, and illusion of the other. As we have discussed many times in previous papers, the Western system of cosmology is born of imperfect sense perception and speculation, it makes no reference to any revealed scripture (certainly not to any Vedic scripture), and is intrinsically impersonal and atheistic. Anyone propagating this system will be duly affected by illusion—hence the spiritual danger in propagating a non-Vedic idea of the Earth.

Despite Srimad Bhagavatam informing us that the shape, size, nature, and location of the Earth we live upon is radically different from what we have been led to believe, the very society supposedly presenting the Srimad Bhagavatam's cosmology at the Temple of Vedic Planetarium is steering us in the opposite direction of that particular revelation. ISKCON’s current usage of the Western cosmological idea of the Earth is the spiritual equivalent of driving in the wrong direction on a one way system. If the Srimad Bhagavatam's flat-Earth concept is not emphasized as the true shape and size of the Earth, then instead of visitors and pilgrims to the Temple of Vedic Planetarium (TOVP) awakening to Srimad Bhagavatam's teaching that our own area of the Earth is actually just a small part of a much larger Earth plane (a colossal circular landscape), they will come away retaining the false belief that we live on a small globe floating in space. If the society continues in this direction, it will be nothing short of a spiritual disaster as the original Vedic teaching about the Earth become displaced by modern Western cosmological ideas.


One may argue that the TOVP representatives in their promotional video have faithfully presented the Srimad Bhagavatam's description of the Earth as a circular landscape held by Ananta-sesha, and thus we have no cause to complain. Yes, as we have seen that the video correctly describes Ananta-sesha holding the Earth, the seven great islands and oceans of the Bhu-mandala, Bharata-varsha’s location in Jambudvipa, and the rotation of the Sun, Moon, and other planets above the great Earth-circle, but why is it that the TOVP representatives are not presenting this flat-Earth concept as a challenge to the belief that we live on an isolated globe floating in space? Since Srimad Bhagavatam describes that we are part of a larger Earth-circle, there is no question that we are situated on an isolated globe-shaped planet floating in space; but who in ISKCON is stating this to be the fact? In the Bhagavad-gita, Sri Krishna says:

    "Because I am transcendental, beyond both the fallible and the infallible, and because I am the greatest, I am celebrated both in the world and in the Vedas as that Supreme Person." (Bg 15.8)

Just as a Mayavadi can read the words ato 'smi loke vede ca prathitah purusottamah, and still deny that God is a person (purusha), in the same way members of ISKCON can hear about, and even formally present the description of our location on the Bhu-mandala (Earth-circle), yet still deny that we live on a flat-Earth. We do not wish to insinuate here that those devotees arguing on behalf of the globe are Mayavadis, but only to point out to all concerned that we need to be alert to the subtle influence of the Mayavadi idea upon our understanding of the Earth and the other planets. The idea of a multi-dimensional universe in which the Western idea of the Earth, Sun and Moon, is whimsically superimposed on top of the Vedic conception is simply the contribution of the Mayavada way of thinking wherein there is no need to take seriously the reality of the planetary arrangement as Sri Krishna has created it.

Although ISKCON is obliged to make formal presentations of Vedic cosmology as the Srimad Bhagavatam describes it, this presentation acts more as a façade since members of the society do not stick consistently with the Srimad Bhagavatam's description of the Earth and its relation to the other planets. As we have seen when it comes to explaining cosmic phenomena such as day and night, seasons, eclipses, etc., members of the society switch from the Srimad Bhagavatam's description of the Sun and Moon rotating above the great Earth circle, to the Western idea that the Sun and Moon orbit around an Earth globe. Since ISKCON's focus is fixed on defending the idea that the Earth-globe is compatible with the Bhagavata cosmology, members of the society remain embedded in the idea that the Earth is indeed a globe, and that we don't have to concern ourselves with the Srimad Bhagavatam's flat-Earth conception since that is in a so-called ‘higher dimension’.

We have previously compared this procedure to a property developer who in consideration of the grandeur, culture, and prestige, associated with a unique historical building makes careful provision to retain the building’s original façade as shown in the image below.

Meanwhile, in consideration of utility and profit, he has all of the internal structure of the historical building completely demolished and removed, with the intention of replacing it with an entirely new and modern design. In the same way, for purposes of presenting ‘authentic’ Vedic culture, ISKCON retains the façade of Vedic cosmology, but in order to appease those conditioned by the globe ideology, all internal workings of the universe are to be explained with reference to the modern Western cosmological idea that the Earth is a globe—not with reference to the Srimad Bhagavatam's description that the Earth is a great circular plane. In this way, the original Vedic teaching about the Earth will become misconstrued, subtlety undermined, and supplanted by modern Western cosmological ideas.

However, Srila Prabhupada’s explicit instruction was to present the cosmos according to the Srimad Bhagavatam's description and specifically to present the Bhu-mandala:

    "Now, here in India, we are planning construction of a very large "Vedic Planetarium" or "Temple of Understanding". Within the planetarium we will construct a huge, detailed model of the universe as described in the text of the fifth canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam… The model will depict… The earthly system (bhu-mandala with Sumeru in center, seven islands (saptadvipa), seven oceans (sapta-samudra), Manosattara Parvata, Lokaloka Parvata, Alokavarsa." (Letter to S.L. Dhani, 14 November 1976)

In pursuance of Srila Prabhupada’s desire to present Vedic cosmology exactly to the Fifth Canto we will continue to point out the illegitimate introduction of the Earth-globe idea into ISKCON’s current presentation of Vedic cosmology. Any presentation of Bharata-varsha must be consistent with the Srimad Bhagavatam's teaching that Bharata-varsha is one of the nine varshas (regions) of the larger landmass called Jambudvipa, that Jambudvipa is part of the larger Earth plane of Bhu-mandala, and that the Sun, Moon, and other planets are vertically arranged above the Bhu-mandala where they rotate at respective heights. Though certain members of ISKCON endeavour to construct an argument for a spherical Earth from texts such as Surya-siddhanta or from ancient astronomers such as Aryabhata, it must be pointed out that any attempt to superimpose this idea of a spherical Earth onto Bharata-varsha immediately results in a complete overthrow of the entire Vedic planetary arrangement. Members of ISKCON almost gleefully present their so–called ‘proofs’ for a globular Earth whilst completely ignoring the fact that any introduction of this idea requires that one work with the modern idea of a ‘solar system’ wherein the planets are horizontally arranged and circle ‘around’ each other, rather than working with the Srimad Bhagavatam's idea that the planets are vertically arranged at respective heights and rotate in circles above the colossal Earth plane.

As we have pointed out in our previous papers, a chess player faced with checkmate cannot suddenly introduce the idea that he can move the king in a manner of his own invention and thus escape the checkmate. That would not only be considered ridiculous, but more importantly it would be considered cheating. Just as one cannot move the pieces on a chess board according to one’s whim, so one cannot move the Vedic planets around the universe in a manner that contradicts their original arrangement and movement as described in Srimad Bhagavatam. The location of Bharata-varsha on the surface of Bhu-mandala which is held by Ananta-sesha works in a particular way, whilst the Western Earth-globe floating in space works in a completely different way. Members of ISKCON cannot flick back and forth from one idea of the Earth to the other as if they are mutually compatible when they are actually completely contradictory. Does no no-one notice the absurdity of this procedure? Any attempt to introduce the Earth globe ideology into Vedic cosmology by arguing that the Bharata-varsha is the so-called Earth globe floating in space means that one is no longer accepting the description of Bharata-varsha as it is described in Srimad Bhagavatam.

Just as a chess player suddenly finds his king in checkmate and thus in an inescapable position, ISKCON’s members need to recognize that the Earth-globe has no position or place to move in the Vedic cosmos. The king globe has been toppled.


ISKCON’s continued presentation of Bharata-varsha as a globe floating in space is farcical. The so-called proofs of a globe-shaped Earth drawn from interpolated texts such as Surya-siddhanta, and from astronomers such as Aryabhata are so only so many trophies of victory awarded by Maya-devi for those participating this game of illusion, for how can the idea that Bharata-varsha is a singular Earth globe floating in space ever be consistently applied to Sukadeva Goswami’s description that Bharata-varsha is a part of a larger Earth circle that is held by Ananta-sesha?

It doesn’t matter how many quotes one pulls from Surya-siddhanta or Aryabata or Bhaskara in order to ‘prove’ a spherical Earth, one can never make a spherical Earth fit consistently into (1) Srimad Bhagavatam's description of the Earth-circle, (2) Bharata-varsha’s location upon the Earth-circle, (3) the planetary arrangement above the Earth-circle. As in a game of chess when the king has no place to move without facing checkmate, there is likewise no position in the Vedic cosmos in which the Earth-globe can be placed. It’s game over!


In Parts 1 and 2 of this paper we have shown how the TOVP’s depiction of the Earth (Bhu-mandala) as described in Srimad Bhagavatam actually bears no resemblance to the modern Earth-globe idea; indeed the Bhu-mandala is clearly a flat-Earth concept that now stands as a spiritual challenge to prevailing beliefs about the shape and size of the Earth. We have further seen that although the TOVP representatives display a conscious awareness that the Earth in Srimad Bhagavatam is indeed a massive circular formation that is held by Ananta-sesha (not a small globular planet that floats in space), we do not see them acting consistently with this description of the Earth. Instead of enthusiastically preaching the Srimad Bhagavatam's message that we live on a larger Earth plane (a flat-Earth), representatives of ISKCON continuously promote the idea that we live on a globe floating in space. They promote this idea as if they had every justification to do so, when in fact, there is no mention or description of an Earth-globe in Srimad Bhagavatam, nor any mention or argument that Bharata-varsha takes such a form in the explanations and commentaries to the Fifth Canto by the great Vaishnava acharyas. In a later appendix we can provide an explanation as to why Srila Prabhupada himself referred to Bharata-varsha as 'this planet Earth'.

Since Srimad Bhagavatam clearly describes that we are part of a larger Earth plane, we all need to ask why representatives of the Temple Of Vedic Planetarium, along with other members of ISKCON, are still arguing that we live on a ball floating in space? Very good question! They likely do so because although presenting the Srimad Bhagavatam's description of the Earth in such instances as with the above Temple Of Vedic Planetarium Universal Chandelier Presentation, they evidently haven’t fully realized or haven’t fully understood the enormity of what they are presenting. If a devotee of Sri Krishna truly grasped and accepted that Bharata-varsha is in Jambudvipa, and that Jambudvipa is part of Bhu-mandala, and that Bhu-mandala is held up by Ananta-sesha, then why would they ever think or argue for the idea that we are living on a ball floating in dark space? The flat-Earth changes everything, but the enormity of the change is perhaps too much for many to take. Is the International Society for Krishna Consciousness prepared to challenge the rest of the world, and henceforth argue that the Earth we stand upon is not a globe?

Despite Srimad Bhagavatam's own description of the flat-Earth, ISKCON’s justification for presenting the Earth as a globe is based firstly on the idea that Srila Prabhupada was himself a supporter of the Earth globe ideology, and secondly that the Earth-globe idea is confirmed by another ancient Sanskrit text called Surya-siddhanta, as well as by ancient India astronomers such as Bhaskara and Aryabhata. However, the use of selected statements from Srila Prabhupada to support the globe ideology is clearly unfounded. We have shown, for example, in Part 3 of this paper how Srila Prabhupada’s many references to the Earth as a globe-shaped planet floating in space have been taken out of context of Srimad Bhagavatam's own description of the Earth-circle (Bhu-mandala), and then used injudiciously as ‘evidence’ that Srila Prabhupada was himself a supporter of the Earth globe ideology. Part 3 of this paper can be found here.

Since Srila Prabhupada’s clear instruction was to present the Earth at the Temple of Vedic Planetarium according to the description in Srimad Bhagavatam, ISKCON must present the Earth in a manner that is consistent with that description:

    "Now, here in India, we are planning construction of a very large "Vedic Planetarium" or "Temple of Understanding". Within the planetarium we will construct a huge, detailed model of the universe as described in the text of the fifth canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam… The model will depict… The earthly system (bhu-mandala with Sumeru in center, seven islands (saptadvipa), seven oceans (sapta-samudra), Manosattara Parvata, Lokaloka Parvata, Alokavarsa." (Letter to S.L. Dhani, 14 November 1976)

Since neither Srimad Bhagavatam nor Srila Prabhupada can be used as evidence to support the Earth globe ideology, as a last resort, members of the society must turn to the Surya-siddhanta in order to justify the inclusion of the Earth globe idea into their presentation of so-called Vedic cosmology. In our next set of papers we shall show how the Surya-siddhanta has been mistranslated, interpolated, and misrepresented in order to conjure the presence of an Earth globe into the Vedic universe, despite the fact that the Earth is described in a radically different way in the Srimad Bhagavatam itself. The idea that the Surya-siddhanta supports the Earth globe idea can only be sustained by promoting this erroneous idea at the expense Srimad Bhagavatam's own description of the Earth in question. Indeed, despite the fact that ISKCON is meant to preach the glory of the Earth according to the Srimad Bhagavatam, it is the muddled view of the Earth in Surya-siddhanta which has taken precedence.


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