[Unless otherwise noted, these questions pertain to the period of time beginning one year prior to Srila Prabhupada's departure, and are directed specifically to issues surrounding His physical care. As answers are made available, they will be linked from the questions below. New questions are marked by the flashing icon.]
QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE ROLE OF TAMAL KRISHNA GOSWAMI AND THE GBC 1. Did the GBC body officially appoint Tamal Krishna Goswami as their representative in charge of all activities surrounding Srila Prabhupada, including supervising his care, and what were the time boundaries of that appointment?
2. If such an appointment was made, is there a GBC Resolution to that effect?
3. What was the scope of Tamal Krishna Goswami's responsibility for overseeing the handling of tape recorded room conversations, the recording of visitors and events involving Srila Prabhupada, the determination of his health care needs, etc.?
4. Was Tamal Krishna Goswami supervised in his position by either a committee or another member and/or the Chairman of the GBC?
5. Were Tamal Krishna Goswami's instructions ever over-ridden by anyone else during this time, other than Srila Prabhupada? If so, by whom?
6. On what occasions did Srila Prabhupada over-ride care decisions made for him by Tamal Krishna Goswami, or care instructions or suggestions given by medical professionals (including physical activities that might have affected his health)?
QUESTIONS CONCERNING VARIOUS ASPECTS OF SRILA PRABHUPADA'S CARE 7. Who were the care givers involved with Srila Prabhupada during his last year in body? What were their names, their credentials, and their responsibilities; what contact information is available for them?
8. By whose direction were these care givers engaged?
9. What programs of care did they advise, what instructions did they give, what medications did they prescribe, etc.?
10. Were these various care instructions, along with daily details of Srila Prabhupada's condition and participation, carefully recorded, and where are they now archived?
11. Who appointed Abhirama dasa to the position of nurse and assistant secretary, and what were his qualifications for this position?
12. In the absence of archived tapes from Srila Prabhupada's last stay in London, can anyone verify Abhirama dasa's statements regarding the specifics of Srila Prabhupada's hospitalization or medical care?
13. What attempts were made to identify top medical and health care professional who could attend to Srila Prabhupada, both within and outside of ISKCON, and to secure their services on His behalf?
QUESTIONS CONCERNING SPECIFIC MEDICAL TREATMENTS 14. Who prescribed the Ayurvedic medicine, Makardhwaj?
15. On what date was it's use suspended, and by whose direction?
16. On what date did Srila Prabhupada suspend taking the medication Yogendra Rasa in mid-1977, and by whose direction?
17. When was Srila Prabhupada diagnosed with diabetes?
18. What program of care was prescribed over the course of this disease?
19. What was Srila Prabhupada's diet during his last months?
20. Why was hot sweet milk being given to a known diabetic in crisis?
21. What other sweets were being made part of Srila Prabhupada's diet?
22. Were Srila Prabhupada's medicines kept under lock and key? If so, who had access?
23. When medicines were administered to Srila Prabhupada, did he, as a rule, simply take what was offered without question, or did he inquire about what was being given, make commentary, examine, etc., as one might expect a pharmacist would do?
24. Were Srila Prabhupada's medicines always administered by one of his primary health care givers, or were others sometimes deputed to this task?
QUESTIONS CONCERNING TAPE RECORDING PROTOCOL AND TAPES 25. Who was the primary person responsible for ensuring that recordings took place, and for their delivery to the Archives, and what process was established to track the handling of these tapes?
26. Was there a policy in place whereby an "official" tape recorder was to be used to make the tapes that were destined for the Archives?
27. Is that tape recorder itself now in the Archives?
28. Were there occasions when other individuals were permitted to use their own recording equipment to tape conversations in Srila Prabhupada's rooms during the period of his final illness?
29. Was it someone's duty at the Archives to listen to and/or transcribe the tapes that were received into the Archives?
30. Was editing a normal part of the procedure of handling these day-to-day tapes?
31. With respect to the tapes in Isa dasa's possession, who edited these tapes before they reached the United States?
32. Who gave these tapes to Satsvarupa dasa Goswami to take to the United States?
33. Have or will comparative studies be done and published of the differences in transcriptions between the tapes in Isa dasa's possession, and the correspondent versions in the Archive's possession?
34. Were the tapes at the Bhaktivedanta Archives edited, and if so, who edited them?
35. Will there also be a forensic study done on the correspondent tapes held by Bhaktivedanta Archives?
36. How many tapes are being examined altogether, beginning with what date, and is there a tape for every day?
37. How many tapes are thought to contain references to poisoning or other suspicious whisperings?
38. In total, how many different references to poisoning are thought to have been identified on the tapes in Isa dasa's possession?
Will the audio investigation being done under the direction of the Independent Vaishnava Council be extended to include "voice print" analyses of individuals known to be in the room on the date the words "poison isvara rasa” were recorded?
Who is financing the audio investigations being undertaken by the Independent Vaishnava Council?
Were both sets of tapes recorded on the same machine, then duplicated, or were they recorded on different units?
Has anybody made contact with the Indian Police (CID)?
MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS 39. What instructions did Srila Prabhupada give regarding the dissemination of information to the devotees about the status of his health?
40. Were these instructions followed, and if not, how were they changed and by whom?
41. Who over-rode Srila Prabhupada's request to be taken on parikama in his final weeks?
42. Has any effort been made by the GBC to contact B.V. Narayana Maharaja, to ask if he can provide any information, or pose any questions, that might help clarify what was taking place during Srila Prabhupada's final days?
43. On what day did Srila Prabhupada request that all his disciples come to be with him in Vrindabin prior to his going into samadhi?
44. To what extent was this request disseminated to the devotees?
46. When Srila Prabhupada responded to this group's pleadings by saying he would stay, what actions were precipitated by his assent, and under whose direction were these actions taken?
47. Was it this circumstance that resulted in the nullification of Srila Prabhupada's request to have his disciples come to be with him during his final days?
48. On whose order were the rank and file disciples, who had responded to this request by coming to Vrindabin, told to again return home?
49. Will a transcript of the proceedings of the recent emergency meeting of the GBC be made available to interested devotees? If so, when?
50. What were the findings of that meeting, and what actions were ordered?
51. When can we expect the results of Balavanta dasa's investigation into voice prints, tape analysis, etc. of the tapes in question?
52. Has Raktambara dasa been directed to censor postings regarding this issue of alleged poisoning, and if so, by whom?
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