Bringing Krishna Consciousness to Flood Victims in Bosnia
Jun 06, 2014 BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA (SUN) Bosnia and Herzegovina has been hit in May by, as some say, the worst floods in its history. The rain poured incessantly for a whole month and the result was that rivers Sava, Bosna, Vrbas and others overflowed and inundated many villages and towns. The towns of Doboj and Maglaj in Central Bosnia were completely under water. The situation was extremely dangerous in certain cases. People were evacuated by helicopters of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina and military forces of the European Union. In some places whole families were stranded on rooftops of their houses. In others, water cut off all roads and food and potable water was not coming in. Parents despaired and cried for help, saying they had no food left to feed their children. First figures said that 10,000 families had lost their homes.
Vaishnava is para-duhkha-duhkhi. He is unhappy to see conditioned souls in misery. Seeing such extraordinary suffering of people and animals, ISKCON devotees in Sarajevo, BiH capitol, decided to do something. With such shortage of food and water, what better way to help them than by distributing prasadam? It all happened pretty quickly. On Saturday, 17 May, a meeting was held at the Sarajevo Temple, at which devotees agreed on a plan of action. In cooperation with the Civil Protection Agency Crisis Headquarters we found flood victims closest to us. They are temporarily accommodated in Vogosca, a Sarajevo suburb, having left their houses that either collapsed due to landslides or were about to.
Sarajevo yatra is small in number, but has sincere souls. Devotees were informed about this action and started giving their donations either in bhoga or money. A small team cooked a vegetable stew, salad, bread and sweets. All of this was offered with love to our Sri Gaura Nitai deities and on Monday, 19 May, we distributed prasadam to flood victims on three separate locations in Vogosca.
Knowing that such immense suffering was brought on by gross ignorance, devotees were very happy to give Krishna prasadam to flood victims and start their spiritual life. We were not just filling their bellies, but giving them a chance at spiritual life which ultimately leads one from material world, which is always a place of suffering. In the first week of our action, we distributed prasadam to 73 people every day. Sometimes not just for lunch, but dinner as well. However, not being satisfied with these numbers we had a desire to expand. And Lord Gauranga, the most merciful as He is, heard our prayers.
After posting first photos of our activities on Facebook and asking for help through an article on ISKCON websites, help started coming. Vaishnavas around the globe started wiring their donations and our enthusiasm grew. However, nothing prepared us for what came from Hungary. Led by H.H. Sivarama Maharaj, the Hungarian National Council decided to send not just a donation, but four devotees experienced in FFL operations and a vehicle as well. We were full of joy! Lord Gauranga saw our ant-like, but sincere endeavors, and was sending us reinforcements! Hungarian devotees arrived in late afternoon on Friday, 23 May and were eager to start.
With their help we were able to give prasadam to more people. On Saturday, 24 May, we went to Olovo, a small town 55km east of Sarajevo and distributed 250 hot meals. Next was Vares, a small, sleepy town, 45 north-west of the capitol. There, we gave out the remaining prasadam on the premises of the local Red Cross to workers cleaning mud from streets and later went from door to door and gave it also to families. Devotees were very much encouraged by this activity, as it showed that we could touch more souls with the mercy of Lord Caitanya.
The next day we set out to Begov Han, a new location 100 km north of Sarajevo. There people from Topčić polje, Željezno polje and Šerići were accommodated as their houses were completely filled with mud and waste waters, up to rooftops. We distributed 300 hot meals. On 26 May we went again to the same place and distributed 300 hot meals, and additional 300 apples and sweets. With the help of the local imam (Muslim priest), devotees went to the village of Topčić polje. It is one of the most flood devastated places in Bosnia. The desolation that we saw there shocked us. As the waters receded, houses were left full of mud and waste, an outdoor basketball court covered by sludge almost to the rim, unbearable stench everywhere! What horror! This prompted devotees to distribute even more.
It fueled everyone involved in this action to cut more vegetables, cook more beans, make more sandwiches. More devotees from congregation participated. The atmosphere in the temple, our headquarters, was fantastic. We were all bursting with enthusiasm, riding on this momentum. And so, on 27 May, we distributed 600 meals in Begov Han, Topčić polje and Nemila. Then on 28 May, 900 hot meals! People were so thankful, they picked flowers in places that were left dry and gave them as a present to devotees. Again on 29 and 30 May we gave out 900 meals each day in Nemila.
One young representative of the local municipality, Kerim, was assigned to devotees as their guide. He led us on 1 June to Orahovica, another village in the area of Nemila. He told us how in the first days of floods he would found whole families hiding in the woods. This experience deeply shocked him. That is why he was very grateful to devotees for their help and even distributed prasadam himself.
Seeing his affection to devotees, we invited him to our temple in Sarajevo, for a Sunday Feast. He quickly accepted and in the end of our two-week operation not only have we distributed 6,000 meals of prasadam but also got one kind and open soul to come to the temple of Sri Gaura Nitai, hear the maha-mantra and associate with devotees.
What to say, but all glories to our dear Srila Prabhupada who brought this noble mission of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu to the West! All glories to Srila Prabhupada's disciples who brought Krishna consciousness to the Balkans! All glories to wonderful Vaishnavas who gave donations, bought bhoga, cooked it and offered it to the Lord and then distributed prasadam to all these lost souls!
This operation completely enthused our community and inspired us to continue distributing prasadam to flood victims. They will need food for a long time. However, we lack resources for a large-scale prasadam distribution operation. That is why we take this opportunity to humbly ask all devotee communities and individual devotees around the world to help us in any way. Large kitchen pots, new or second-hand, other utensils such as machines for dough mixing – everything is welcome and appreciated if you can donate it to us.
We plan to revive and legally register Food for Life in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Devotees with huge experience in this domain already pledged themselves to take up this important service. Once registered, we will have an official account. Until then, if you wish to help us in our future endeavors you can send your donations to: [Donations now closed]
Every single donor will receive a receipt and a report about the use of their donation.
We will never forget Hungarian devotees, their dedication to our joint service and the kindness and support of their leaders, helmed by H.H. Sivarama Maharaja. It proves once again that Srila Prabhupada indeed had built real united nations!
On behalf of ISKCON devotees from Bosnia and Herzegovina your servant,
Amala Prema devi dasi
You can get regular updates of our activities on ISKCON Sarajevo FB Profile or here you may see some of our activities.
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