Petition on Banning of HH Bhakti Vikas Swami


Sep 15, 2012 — BARODA, INDIA (SUN) — As many of the readers of the Sampradaya Sun know, Bhakti Vikas Swami was asked by two temples -- and now joined by a third, as I understand things, not to lecture in their temples. The temples in question are ISKCON Alachua, Gainesville and Atlanta. They have been supported in this action by their local GBC, Tamohara Prabhu.

In a clarification of the situation already published here on the Sun on September 11, written by Bhakti Vikas Swami, the following letter appeared:

    Letter PAMHO:24021005 (17 lines) {I4}
    From: Internet: "tamohara"
    Date: 08-Sep-12 05:41 -0500 (03:41 -0700)
    To: Bhakti Vikasa Swami [164845]
    Cc: Kalakantha (das) ACBSP (Gainesville, FL - US) [116583]
    (received: 08-Sep-12 09:06 -0500)
    Cc: "Mukhya"

    Attached: 24021005.eml (4728 bytes) "Original email file"
    Subject: Coming to Florida
    Dear Bhakti Vikasa Maharaja,
    Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prahupada.

    There seems to be some confusion regarding your coming to the Alachua/Gainesville area and giving classes. Both the temple presidents of Alachua and Gainesville have told you that they prefer you do not give classes or preach here. This must be, and will be respected.

    As the GBC of Alachua, I fully support this decision. We feel that your opinions and style of preaching has tended to be disruptive and at times offensive to devotees, the GBC, and ISKCON.

    Of course, any devotee is always welcome to visit, take darshan of the deities, etc. But, you will NOT be asked to preach, do programs, or give classes. Thus, I would suggest you may want to alter your September schedule.

    Your servant,
    Tamohara das GBC - Southeastern USA
    Vice-Chair GBC Executive Committee

After reading this -- before it appeared on the Sun -- and then reading the now retracted article by Raya Nitai das, here on the Sun, I put up a petition on the Internet voicing protest of this decision by Tamohara Prabhu, whom I know and respect since 1973.

It is my humble opinion that instead of asking Maharaj not to lecture in their temples, they could have asked him to avoid "voicing his concerns", that they feel is inappropriate. Since it appears that they did not do so, I feel that their action is wrong, and inappropriate itself.

The Internet petition appears here. So far, 172 devotees have signed the petition over the past few days.

This petition has no "political overtones". We are not demanding anyone resign or be removed. We are asking for a rethink. That's all. I publicly call on the devotees involved to change their stance. I have separately written to both Tamohara Prabhu and Kalakantha Prabhu in this regard. I have respect and regard for both of them, but my opinion is that they made a mistaken decision here.

Reading some of the comments that devotees -- including several godbrothers and sisters -- who have written in support of Bhakti Vikas Swami has been "moving", to say the least!

Thanks in advance for reading the petition, the comments posted there, and signing it!

Your humble servant,

Basu Ghosh das


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