Shri Krishna-karnamrita, Part 8


Aug 8, 2018 — CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of Shri Krishna-karnamrita by Shrila Bilvamangala Thakura.

Text 71

shishur esha shitala-vilola-locanah
madayan madiya-hridayam vigahate

pashu—pala—cowherd boys or girls; bala—young; parishad—intimate group; vibhushanah—adorning; shishuh—the chird (Krishna); esha—this; shitala—cooling, refreshing; vilola-lively; locanah-eyes, gaze; mridula-soft; smita-smiles; ardra-tender; vadana-face; indu-moon; sampada-wealth; madayan-gladdening; madiya-my; hridayam-heart; vigahate-enters deep within.

This child (Krishna), who is the ornament for the intimate community of cowherd boys and girls, whose lively glances are so soothing, and whose moon-face has a wealth of soft, tender smiles, gladdens my heart and enters deep within it.

Text 72

kim idam adhara-vithi-krpta-vamshi-ninadam
kirati nayanayor nah kam api prema-dharam
tad idam amara-vithi-durlabham vallabham nas
tribhuvana-kamaniyam daivatam jivitam ca

kim idam—How wonderful this is!; adhara—of the lips; vithi—on the path; krpta—affixed; vamshi—the flute; ninadam—sound; kirati—pouring; nayanayoh—before eyes; nah—our; kam api—indescribably; preme—of divine love; dharam—flood; tad—He, that; idam—this; amara—the demigods, deathless ones; vithi—in the planets; durlabham—difficult to find; vallabham—darling; nah—our; tribhuvana—by the three worlds; kamaniyam—pleasing, delighting; daivatam—our God; jivitam—our life; ca—and.

How wonderful! The sound of the flute Krishna is holding to His lips is pouring forth an indescribable flood of divine love before our very eyes! This is rare even among the planets of the demigods. Krishna, our darling, our God, our very life, delights the three worlds.

Text 73

tad idam upanatam tamala-nilam
mukharita-venu-vilasi jivitam me

tad—that one (Krishna); idam—this one (me); upanatam—near; tamala—like a tamala tree; nilam—bluish; tarala—restless; vilocana—eyes; taraka—pupils or stars; abhiramam—charming, friendly; mudita (or muditam)—delightful; mudita (or udita)—very delightful, or rising; vaktra—face; candra—moon; bimbam—shining orb; mukharita—sounding; venu—flute; vilasi—sportively; jivitam—life; me—my.

This person approaching me is dark bluish like a tamala tree. His charming eyes, which resenble stars, move restlessly, the shining orb of His moon-face is overflowing with delight [or, His face radiates joy like the rising moon], and He sportively begins sounding His flute. He is my very life.

Text 74

capalya-sima capalanubhavaika-sima
caturya-sima chaturanana-shilpa-sima
saurabhya-sima sakaladbhuta-keli-sima
saubhagya-sima tad idam vraja-bhagya-sima

capalya—of fickleness; sima—the acme; capala—anubhava—of those who have unsteady natures (i.e., the milkmaids); eka—the one; sima—ultimate goal of existence; caturya—of cleverness; sima—epitome; catur—anana—the four—faced one (i.e., Brahma); shilpa—artistic skill; sima—extreme perfection; saurabhya—of fragrance; sima—the limit; sakala—all; adbhuta—wonderful; keli—pastimes; sima—utmost embodiment; saubhagya—of good fortune; sima—culmination; tad—that (very life of mine); idam—this is, here is; vraja—bhagya—Vraja's auspicity; sima—zenith.

Here is that Krishna, my very life! He is the acme of fickleness, the one ultimate end of the existence of the fickle-minded milkmaids, the epitome of cleverness, the extreme perfection of the artistic skill of four-faced Brahma, the limit of good fragrance, the utmost embodiment of all sorts of astounding pastimes, the culmination of good fortune, and the zenith of auspicity for Vraja.

Text 75

madhuryena dviguna-shishiram vaktra-candram vahnati
vamshi-vithi-vigalad-amrita-srotasa secayanti
mad-vaninam viharana-padam matta-saubhagya-bhajam
mat-punyanam parinatir aho netrayoh sannidhatte

madhuryena—with sweet tenderness; dviguna—doubly; shishiram—refreshing; vaktra—face; candram—moon; vahanti—bearing; vamshi—flute; vithi—holes; vigalad—oozing; amrita—nectar; srotasa—current; secayanti—sprinkling; mat—my; vaninam—words; viharana—scope; padam—ground; matta—mad; saubhagya—luck; bhajam—possessing; mat—my; punyanam—virtuous merit; parinatih—(reached a) culmination; aho—oh; netrayoh—eyes; sannidhatte—appears before.

Oh! My good deeds have reached their culmination: Krishna has appeared before my eyes! The moon of His face is made doubly refreshing by its sweet tenderness, and He sprinkles me with the current of nectar dropping note by note from the holes of His flute. He is the object of my words, which, though mad, are fortunate [to be describing Him].

Text 76

tejase 'stu namo dhenu-
paline loka-paline
shayine shesha-shayine

tejase—the splendor (Krishna); astu—let (me); namah—obeisances; dhenu—cows; paline—the protector; loka—the worlds; paline—protector; radha—of Radha; payodhara—that which holds milk (i.e., breasts); utsanga—slope; shayine—reclining; shesha—Shesha—naga; shayine—reclining.

I bow down to the personified splendor (Krishna), who is the protector of the cows-and also all the worlds-and who reclines on the sloping breasts of Radha-and also on Sheshanaga.

Text 77

brahma-rashi-mahase namo namah

dhenu—cow; pala—protectors; dayita—the darlings, the wives; stana—the breasts; sthali—a position, a place; dhanya—glorified; kunkuma—junkuma powder; sanatha—possessing; kantaye—possessing a glow, complexion; venu—gita—flute—sone; gati—way of sounding; mula—the original; vedhase—creator; brahma—of Brahmas; rashi—a multitude; mahase—greatness, luster; namah—obeisances; namah—obeisances again.

I bow again and again before Him (Krishna), whose glowing complexion is embellished with the kunkuma powder glorified by its place on the brests of the cowherd men's wives, who is the original creator of the flute song, and who possesses the glory of innumerable Brahmas.

Text 78

balena padambuja-pallavena
ayati me jivitam attakeli

mridu—softly; kvanan—tinkling; nupura—anklets; mantharena—slowed down; balena—youthful, tender; pada—feet; ambuja—pallavena—lotus flower; anusmaran—recollecting; mashjula—charming; venu—gitam—flute songs; ayati—here comes; me—of me; jivitam—very life; attakeli—havidng assumed a sporting attitude.

Here comes my very life [Krishna]! Having assumed a sporting attitude, He slowly approaches on tender lotus feet weighed down by softly tinkling anklets as He recollects various charming flute-songs.

Text 79

so 'yam vilasa-murali-ninadamritena
sishcann udashcitam idam mama karna-yugmam
ayati me nayana-bandhur ananya-bandhor

sah—He (Krishna, my very life); ayam—this (is); vilasa—sportive; murali—flute; ninada—tunes; amritena—with nectar; sishcann—sprinkling; udashcitam—perked up, cocked; idam—this; mama—my; karna—ears; yugmam—two; ayati—here comes; me—of me; nayana—eyes; bandhuh—befriending; ananya—no other; bandhoh—friend; ananda—bliss; kandalita—overflowing; keli—playful; kataksha—of sidelong glances; lakshmih—the beauty.

Here comes [my very life, Krishna]! The beauty of His playful sidelong glances overflows with bliss, and He sprinkles my two perked-up ears with the nectar of His sportive flute-songs. He is the only friend for my eyes.

Text 80

durad vilokayati varana-khela-gami
dhara-kataksha-bharitena vilokitena
arad upaiti hridayan-gama-venu-nada-
veni-mukhena dashanamshu-bharena devah

durad—from a distance; vilokayati—seeing (me); varana—elephant; khela—sportive; gami—gait; dhara—flood; kataksha—sidelong glances; bharitena—filled with; vilokitena—with glances; arad—near; upaiti—coming; hridayam—the heart; gama—touching (going to); venu—nada—flute sound; veni—current; mukhena—from the mouth; dashana—teeth; amshu—glowing rays; bharena—with great; devah—the Lord

Seeing me from a distance with a flood of sidelong glances, my Lord walks toward me with the sportive grace of an elephant and moves my heart with the current of flute-sound emanating from His mouth, which is filled with brightly glowing teeth.


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