All Encompassing Srimad Bhagavatam


Aug 04, 2018 — MANCHESTER, ENGLAND (SUN) —

Srila Bhaktisiddanta Goswami Maharaja once famously said even if all the books in the British libraries were destroyed there would be no loss, as long as the Bhagavatam were kept safe. This indicates within the theological texts of Bhagavatam everything is contained. Each verse of the Srimad Bhagavatam could be expanded upon unlimitedly: theology, science, psychology, time, space, matter, actions, reactions, military affairs, etc., and so the list goes on.

After all, total spiritual energies emanate from Krishna as well as total material energies, including total mind and total intelligence, indicated in Bhagavatam as having Pradyumana and Annirudha as their source.

It appears as Krishna says ,"one who sees me in everything and everything in me" will conclude that means everything. There is nothing but Krishna and His diverse energies, and all energies are intended for His purposes. He is the supreme proprietor.

So as Mahaprabhu told Vasudeva Dhatta, even if I follow your desire to liberate all the jivas of this universe, still it would fill again, such is the unlimited nature of Divinity. But equally, even if all the books of the British libraries were to be destroyed, representing the minds and intellects of untold souls, as all was borrowed energies, Divinity who manifests the total mind and intelligence would once again fill the shelves.


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