H.H. Bhakti Vikasa Swami's Book is Not Banned
by the GBC


Jun 10, 2016 — SRIDHAM MAYAPUR (SUN) — In response to "Harmonizing our Preaching Efforts".

The excerpt copied below from the recent submission by H.H. Bhakti Vikasa Swami shows that he and others somehow miss out on the fact that his book has not been "banned." That word was specifically not used in the resolution as it has a much broader implication then the restrictions voted on and approved by the GBC body and are only applicable to ISKCON premises. This is clearly stated and is even included in B V Swamis' statement.

Yes, there are 'restrictions' but no, the book is not 'banned'. The GBC did not say that ISKCON members could not purchase or read this book, only that sales and display of the book shall not occur on ISKCON premises. Reasons for the restrictions include, as stated, that the book contains statements advocating practices that are illegal in the majority of countries in the world, notably polygamy, child marriage and child labor.

As a point of information, as the author of the resolution, even I would not have voted in its favor had it specified "banning" the book.

I hope the distinction is noted and understood, even if you do not appreciate it.

Yrs, Malati devi dasi (ACBSP GBC Member)


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