Horoscope of the World Acharya
Apr 15, 2012 BLAGOEVGRAD, BULGARIA (SUN) From 'The Astrological Newsletter'.
Tirupati 1977: $1.50 a day is all Gargamuni, then the head of the BBT Library Party out of Bombay, would allow me for food, travel, and shelter. So on a budget of $50 a month I was traveling third class and alone throughout India to collect reviews of Shrila Prabhupada's books. I would introduce scholars to the "Library Encyclopedia of Vedic Knowledge" (as we members of the BBT Library Party called the collection), and they would all oblige with letterheads of glowing praise. Today, looking back, none of those intellectual leaders sticks in my mind as does the renowned scholar Dr. D. Arkasomayaji.
He was a strict brahmana, an author, a past college principle and a Government of India award winner in Sanskrit. He was also the head of the Tirumati-Tirumala Devastanam which oversees the world's most opulent temple of the Lord of Lakshmi at Tirupati. Since he was also a pandit I showed Dr. Arkasomayaji Shrila Prabhupada's horoscope. Immediately he noted that His Divine Grace had been liberated from birth. He declared, "This is the chart of a nitya-mukta jivan."
Dr. Arkasomayaji (who hailed from a long family line of astrologers and whose name means "yagna to the deities of the Sun and Moon) quickly spotted some of the rare horoscopic combinations of the liberated pure devotee. He observed, "There are separate yogas for Lord Vishnu (Hari Yoga), His wife (Lakshmi Yoga), the creator (Brahma Yoga) and the creator's wife (Saraswati Yoga). That means that there are two sets of Husband / Wife yogas, an unheard of rarity in any horoscope."
After scanning the stars of His Divine Grace, Dr. Arkasomayaji took out his pen and wrote the most spectacular review for Prabhupada's books out of the hundreds I collected. He considered Shrila Prabhupada to be "the world's greatest spiritual force in the Twentieth Century." Naturally all the state's college libraries purchased complete sets of the BBT publications. I sent Dr. Arkasomayaji's horoscope reading and review to Shrila Prabhupada who much appreciated the good devotee-scholar's understanding of his position as the World Acharya. Dr. Arkasomayaji wasn't long for the world after that, but when he left here he was surely blessed by the pure devotee.
From our Bhrigu Project's Yoga Dictionary, we give the explanations of the four yogas Dr. Arkasomayaji spotted above.
Hari Yoga is formed by benefic planets in the 2nd, 12th and 8th from the 2nd lord. Since Prabhupada's lagna or ascendant is Sagittarius, the second from there is Capricorn, so the 2nd lord is exalted Saturn. Exalted Moon is in the 8th from Saturn and Venus and Mercury are in the 12th from Saturn. As a result, "one enjoys wealth, is happy and is blessed with children."

Lakshmi Yoga in this case is caused by the mutual association of the lords of lagna and the 9th. Of course this combination achieves a new dimension in Shrila Prabhupada's chart since the combination takes place in the 9th house of dharma itself and the lord of the 9th Sun is in his own sign of Leo. Shastra says, "One born under this combination grows quite wealthy, owns vast lands, and rises to the post of a king. He is widely renowned, blessed with numerous comforts, and has many good children."

Brahma Yoga: Prabhupada has a strong permutation of this combination which links to the head of the Brahma sampradaya, and of which His Divine Grace is the most recent acharya. As seen in Lakshmi Yoga, he appeared when his lord of lagna was in the 9th with the lord of the 9th. Further Mercury is exalted in the 10th as the 10th lord. And Venus as the 11th lord is conjoined the 10th lord in an angle which also cancels the debility (nicha bhanga raja yoga) of Venus. Shastra says, "The native will enjoy pleasures and luxurious foods; he will be respected by brahmanas and learned men, will be highly learned, long-lived, charitable, religious and ever intent on performing pious activities." In other words, one born under this combination is like a Brahma of this earth, with all facilities for material and spiritual pleasures and a long life to realize them.

Saraswati Yoga: This is a combination for learning and scholarship. When the benefics (Mercury, Jupiter and Venus) are in their own / exalted / friendly signs and occupy the 2nd or kendras / konas, then the native is not only "intelligent and learned, but is praised by the learned." In Shrila Prabhupada's chart Venus is debilitated but due to conjunction with exalted Mercury in the 10th the debility is cancelled and Venus becomes exalted. Another cancellation is caused by the gaja-keshari yoga since Jupiter rules Venus' uccha-stan. It is noteworthy that Venus is often found to be debilitated in horoscopes of genuine saints. Venus is the planet of sense desires and luxuries, things that a true renunciate eschews.
A few other auspicious combinations include sadhu, jaya, mridanga, bhadra, chaamara, kalpadruma and mridanga yogas among others. Together, these combinations speak an astrological language that Shrila Prabhupada— though he walked amongst us—was actually the appointed messenger of the Supreme Lord Himself.
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