Why wouldn't they be? Think about their round shape. It was centrifugal force that sculpted the Earth, and all the planets. That force was greater at the equators, so they all bulge at the equators. Going towards the poles, that force would have progressively diminished, such that the outline of the planets would have gradually inclined inwards until, at the poles, there would have been no curvature. The crust at the poles would be very thin because the centrifugal force at the poles would have been very little; the matter there would have slid down and concentrated itself at equator and reinforced the crust there.
As the outer crust cooled, any pent up force within the planet would have most likely expressed itself by blowing out through the axial (polar) points and would have formed openings. (Our planet has polar openings) This seems to be what is indicated by the huge, crater-like depressions at the tops of the planets which we can observe. The outer rim or collar of such openings could be a tell-tale sign of such an outburst from the interior which happened long, long ago during the formative stages.
What hollow earth proponents are saying is that the same force which sculpted the outer shape of the planets, that centrifugal force, would have had to have opened up a cavity within the planets, too. The force could not have had such a dramatic impact on the exterior shape and curve of the planets, with no cavity opening up at the core. Because the centrifugal force was not evenly distributed, the interior cavity would have the shape of a football or rugby ball, with the points edging towards the poles.
The cavity of our Earth can't have a liquid interior. If it had, the tidal force exerted by the Moon would have induced the liquid interior to bust through any crust just as soon as such crust could have formed by
The Earth can't be full of molten lava because the Earth has a magnetic field. The magnetic field touches the poles and the Earth serves as a conductor to close the circuit. If the inner core of the Earth had the temperatures which the Molten Core Theory stipulates that it does, and if the inner strata of rock is so hot that it isn't even brittle but plastic, then any magnetic properties would be lost as the magnetic canopy passes through the Earth's crust because heat destroys magnetism. The temperature at which this occurs is called the Curie Point.
According to orthodox theory, the Earth's auroras are caused by the solar winds that are caused, in turn, by solar flares.
The radiations in these winds envelope our planet, become attracted by the magnetic poles, and enter the atmosphere from the point of these polar extremes. Supposedly...
They then cause the auroral display. Supposedly...
But the logbooks of various Arctic explorers from yesteryear record that the auroral display "shoots upwards."
Dr. Hayes, from his vantage point at the northern end of Greenland, corroborates this observation with his own, found on page 136 of his book The Open Polar Seas: "In the dim distance loomed up the lofty snow-clad mountains of the west coast. Upon the sea floated a heavy bank of mist, which, slowly changing when moved by the wind, disclosed within its dark bosom the ghostly form of an iceberg; and a feeble auroral light fringed this sombre cloak of the waves. Angry flashes darted from behind this mass of impenetrable blackness, and, rush¬ing fiercely among the constellations, seemed like fiery arrows shot up by evil spirits of another world." He describes the streamers as "fiery arrows shot up."
The following short description of the display is condensed from the Explorer Mauch's journal : "At 7 p. m., as I was returning to the ship from the observatory, I noticed the slaty appearance of the sky to the northwest and the occasional shooting up of luminous streamers. At 7:15 the horizon to the northwest was a blood-red color, while faint, white streamers sprang up in rapid succession, increasing in numbers, and rising from the west, north, and northeast points. They were all directed toward the zenith, and the exterior ones bending inwards gave to the whole configuration a dome-like shape. They then all vanished, and new ones began to rise slowly from a wider extent of horizon. At 8:30 new and very bright streamers advanced toward the zenith from all directions. At 8:45 they all gathered about the zenith and formed a perfect corona. They then all seemed to move toward the north, as new ones arose from the south." Mauch watched the progress of these streamers while passing over some stars....
That the auroral streamers shoot upwards contradicts the orthodox theory that stipulates that the solar winds enter the planet's atmosphere, from outer space, at the polar extremes. But we have evidence from NASA's own files that shows that the aurora australis emanates from an orifice in the middle of the Antarctic continent.
The above still shot, and the ones that follow, are all from the NASA film clip below, at the end of the still shots.
The orifice is indicated by the black dot in the middle of the red circle.
Here we see the aurora beginning to emanate from the black dot, i.e., the orifice. It spews out from that point. Do any of the readers remember the television series I Dream of Jeannie, starring Barbara Eden? When the genie's/Jeannie's bottle would get uncorked, the smoke would spew out and take the form of the genie/Jeannie. In a similar way the aurora spews out from the orifice and takes the shape of a ring around the Antarctic continent.
The orifice is a little more visible in this one.
The aurora is in full expression in this image.
Ditto the above comment.
The clip is only a few seconds long, but it simply smashes orthodox geology and planetary astronomy; the auroras aren't supposed to come from inside the planet, and planets aren't supposed to be hollow.
In this image, the orifice is visible in the circle marked as Number 2.
The image is from the Radarsat mapping program. Radarsat was a satellite which radar-mapped the entire surface of the globe. The reader can easily find the program's web site on the internet.
Rod M. Cluff is a hollow earth researcher of long standing. He was the one who first brought this image to the attention of the hollow earth community. Read a few words of his interpretation of the image:
"If you blow up the RadarSat image of the area I have identified as the south polar opening, you can see fog coming up out of the opening on the right side of the dark area. Now why would fog be coming up out of this area if it's not the opening? I think this fog may be our first clue that this is the area we have been looking for.
Also, notice that towards the top left is an area where there is a lot of icebergs that regularly break off the Antarctic ice and that there is a definite flow of ice from this dark circular area located at what I estimate to be 84.4* S Latitude, 39* E Longitude.
Looking at the edges of this dark area of low radar reflectivity I see a definite depression. On the sides you can see clearly the surface details which taper off in clarity towards the dark area caused by the sloping angle as you enter the depression.
I think we all need to take another close look at this Radarsat image. We need to consider the fog coming out of it, the tapering off of the reflectivity with change of slope, and the flow of ice from this direction."
Rod points out that the blackness of the central part of the orifice is due to the fact that the slope becomes steep and gradually does away with the radar response. This shows up on the image as darkness. If the orifice is straight-through, this would also account for the tell-tale darkness in the image and a lack of radar response.
"All the outer planets were found by Voyager to have auroral lights. This was a surprise to space scientists, because they have assumed that auroras on Earth are caused by the impact of the solar wind on the atmosphere above the Poles. However, with Voyager's discoveries of auroras on the outer planets which are located so far from the Sun that any solar wind reaching them is far too weak to cause their auroras, scientists have begun looking for another power source that could cause the auroras."
From: Uranus is Hollow by Rod M. Cluff.
Of course, we now know that the auroras on the outer planets are caused by energies within those planets that find expression through the polar orifices.
Turning our attention to the northern hemisphere, we do have satellite evidence of the Arctic opening to the hollow earth, although it is of a different type. In order to be able to interpret this evidence, we should first take a look at some images from the planet Mars. The reader will understand why.
The above is a photograph of Mars provided by the Hubble Space telescope. The central depression/crater is visible right at the Martian North Pole. It is about 10% of the diameter of the entire planet, a huge crater. It is deep, very deep. And the reader will note that it is practically empty, as even some orange-colored ground can be seen at the bottom along with merely some residual ice. This tells us that the above image is from the summer, as the "ice cap" has largely melted, and the crater is empty.
The traditional idea that the public has in relation to the ice caps is that they are rather thick and that they accumulate during the Martian winters and melt during the Martian summers. However, it can be seen that, in the first picture, the northern depression/crater is empty. This indicates that the ice had melted, which suggests that the crater does not fill to the brim with accumulated ice in the first place. How could it be that such a tremendous quantity of ice could accumulate every winter, only to melt away again during the summer and leave the crater empty? How much water would be involved to accumulate in a crater which is hundreds of miles wide and many, many miles deep? This would be something akin to having the entire ice sheet on Antarctica build up and melt every year. Where would such an amount of water/ice come from? Mars is presented to us as a mostly dry planet, supposedly with no rivers or lakes. The Martian atmosphere is said to have only 2% of the density of the Earth's atmosphere, so it could not be laden with much moisture given the orthodox model. Even on the Earth, a planet which is 2/3 covered with water, we cannot imagine such a phenomenal amount of accumulation and melting taking place over the span of a year.
If the depression were largely filled with ice which melts, we would have to witness the water draining out and sloshing here and there in wide rivers. Astronomers have ventured the explanation that the water may be quickly absorbed by cracks and crevices, such that we simply have never observed it drain, but that would be a lot of water to disappear unperceived. Is such an explanation reasonable?
The above photograph suggests that the ice- were it ice- is relatively shallow in the depression, only coming to the brim on one side, and way below the brim on the other. Other photos, however, show the depression full to the brim on all sides. We cannot accept that it is accumulated ice which is responsible for this, for the reasons which we have just gone over.
Therefore, we can conclude that the polar depression is principally filled by mist and cloud cover which accumulates every winter. The clouds fill in the polar depression and stay put in it. This fits in well with Gardner's theory that it was cloud cover which was actually seen at the pole. And where does thick, heavy cloud cover come from on a planet whose atmosphere is only 2% of that of Earth's? The traditional, solid-planet model does not explain this cloud phenomenon in any suitable way.
The Hollow Planet Theory offers a tenable explanation; that the clouds result from the warmer, humid atmosphere from the interior of the planet in contact with the colder, outer atmosphere. Although there is no gaping hole seen in any NASA images of Mars, there are rilles (ginat crevices) that give way to caves and openings that can allow the passage of humid air and clouds from within the planet. The Martian polar depression, then, is the threshold of an opening to the interior of the planet.
And as the opening to a hollow planet, the reader should remember that the depression is full of mist and roundish. With this in mind, we are ready to examine the satellite evidence of the northern orifice to the hollow earth.
The images above and below are stills from a Japanese weather satellite; the actual film clip is just after the next image. Please note that the protrusion to the upper left of the circle, to the right of the word "ice", is the Russian peninsula Novaya Zemlya, and to the bottom right is the Canadian side of Baffin Bay.
In these images of the Earth's northern orifice, we shouldn't be surprised that the opening is so circular because that's the way the opening is on Mars, too. And the fact that the depression is filled with mist whose tone contrasts with the surrounding ice (and the bluish ocean of the image below) is also understandable for the same reason, that the warmer, humid air from within encounters the cooler, Arctic air and forms a foggy mist, just as it does in the Mars image above.
Japanese AMSR_E Weather Satellite ...
The above sketch has been culled from page 179 of Jan Lamprecht's book, Hollow Planets. It was drawn on February 20, 1891, by a member of the British Astronomical Association. It depicts a roundish, crater-like depression at the planet's north pole, similar to what we have seen on Mars. The angle of view at the time was just right, and this can be accounted for by the fact that planets do tilt and that they have different orbital planes, i.e., levels of orbit. Thus, the artist was afforded a view which skimmed over the top of the planet, so to speak.
NASA image Number 79-HC-46 was also culled from Jan Lamprecht's Hollow Planets, and some of the following arguments have been adapted from Lamprecht's book.
One thing that this elongated image communicates to us is that the Venusian atmosphere breathes. Astronomers tell us that the atmospheric altitude above the Venusian North Pole is 15 kilometers lower than the rest of the planet. Is this depression indicative of atmosphere being sucked into Venus, just as the cloud billows superimposed on the southern pole indicate a huge, spiraling outdraft? Does ventilation occur through the Venusian poles?
The reader will notice how the curvature of the planet's atmosphere changes as his/her eye approaches the southern pole. Several, rounded, twirling, cloud billows are obvious, and there seem to be several folds. They rise out of the southern extremity and elongate the atmosphere. Venus does, in fact, experience a rising and falling of its atmosphere by as much as 1.1%. That represents a huge expansion given the fact that the diameter of the Venusian globe is supposed to be 7,700 miles. Could the expansion of the Venusian atmosphere and the billowing at the poles be a symptom of the planet's breathing through polar orifices?
The understanding that planets are hollow explains the long standing enigma of the Y marking on Venus. The powerful torrents in the NASA image end up sliding towards the direction to which the planet is rotating, caught up in a Coriolis effect (slide-around effect). This effect can be seen in this image in the form of a dark streak (ultraviolet) which originates from the polar points, especially from the southern extreme (in this image), and then streaks around the planet and aligns itself with the equator. It is joined by a similar dark streak from the northern hemisphere of the planet, i.e., some convergence is suggested.
But on the left side of the image, the converged, dark streak does not show up once the planet's rotation comes around again, so to speak. What happened? What can explain this?
The sketch below can explain what happened.
This sketch shows a luminous spot in the mid portion of the planet; it is circular. By now the reader might be able to surmise that it is a side opening into hollow Venus. This tells us that the dark cloud bands that streak around Venus following a Coriolis effect, and that converge and align along the equatorial belt, finally enter into the planet through this orifice. In the space probe image, the second above, this phenomenon is not visible because it takes place on the far side of the image. And this, of course, is why the dark bands that are seen to pass around on the right side of that image do not appear again on the left side.
Jupiter also has such an opening along its side, in fact, there seems to be more than one. But the most prominent is The Great Red Spot. The astronomical community defines this spot as a point where there is a permanent hurricane. Professional astronomers can't exactly explain why, but they see that the interior of the spot is a whirlwind that has depth to it, so that is how they explain it. However, thanks to our understanding that planets are hollow, we are easily able to interpret planetary phenomena in a way that the astronomical community can't even imagine.
In addition to the fact that there are orifices at the northern and southern poles, and at the side of Venus, the reader will note that the image below suggests a dual orifice at the Venusian north pole; we have to say "suggests" because there are two whirlwinds seen upon the cloud mantle at the north pole, but we can't actually see the surface of the planet. Even so, we certainly have a basis to conjecture that the planet has a dual opening at its north pole because of the two whirlwinds there.
The image below was passed on to me by Luis Aparecio of Sintra, Portugal (no relation to the famous American League shortstop of the same name). It is a European Space Agency image.
This is a drawing which depicts how the Earth's magnetic canopy flows in and out through the polar openings of the hollow earth. (It was sent to me by Sadek Adams with his blessings) The drawing is very telling, and what it tells us is that the magnetic canopy is generated by the Earth-as-a-giant-solenoid. A solenoid if a geometric figure which is a cylinder that is open at the ends. In any high school science class, it is taught that an electrically charged, spinning solenoid will produce a magnetic canopy. They are typically used in switches, such as in the ignition systems of an automobile. They have copper coils around them and in cars, are charged from the battery.
The Earth is, simply put, a solenoid because it is hollow in the middle and open at the ends; the Earth spins, too. And it is electrically charged. The atmosphere around the Earth is charged with electricity because it is full of the Sun's rays, and the crust of the Earth is charged because it is also full of particles from the Sun as they pass through in a torrent. Thus, the Earth-as-a-solenoid easily generates a magnetic canopy. The size of the canopy depends on the Earth's rate of spin and the intensity of the Sun's rays, i.e., the charge.
This explanation was first offered by Joseph H. Cater, a very unique hollow earth writer. On Page 259 of his book, The Awesome Life Force, 3rd paragraph, he writes: "Geomagnetism [The Earth's magnetic field] was explained in a previous chapter as the result of charges in the atmosphere moving with the Earth in its rotation. In addition, the shell of the Earth should act then as a bar magnet." The title of the book was later changed to The Ultimate Reality.
On Page 103, Mr. Cater admonishes the orthodox theory of a dynamo effect in the core that supposedly produces the magnetosphere: "The conventional theory of geomagnetism has about the same merit as some other theories already discussed. According to the accepted viewpoint, the major portion of geomagnetism is the result of electric currents in a molten iron core 2,000 miles below the surface. The theory is automatically destroyed, because an iron core doesn't exist. But even if one did exist, the conventional conclusion would be equally false. Scientists are somewhat vague as to how a magnetic field could extend 2,000 miles beyond an electric current. It requires a very powerful current to produce even relatively weak magnetic effects a very short distance above the flow. The electrical resistance of iron, at the alleged temperatures of the core, would be staggering. A steady flow of electricity requires constant potential differences. How are such potential differences produced and maintained in this hypothetical core?
The magnitude, width, and depth of such currents would have to be unbelievable to extend the magnetic field even a small fraction of the distance required, and the EMF required to produce it would be even more incredible. Where could such an EMF come from? So far, scientists seem reluctant to explain this, especially since these currents are confined to a ball and would therefore follow closed paths.
Another incredible demonstration of inconsistencies and contradictions in conventional physicists' thought processes is the case of Saturn and its magnetic field. For them, an iron core is essential for explaining a significant magnetic field around a planet. According to astronomical data, Saturn is supposed to have a very low mass in proportion to its size. Yet all the evidence, including probes sent to its outer atmosphere, shows it has a powerful magnetic field. To account for its relatively low mass, physicists conclude the core must consist of liquid hydrogen. Evidently, the art of doublethink has come to the rescue again. The threat of this speculation to geomagnetic theory has apparently been ignored."
In addition to Mr. Cater's points, I'll humbly repeat my comments from the introduction at the top of this article, that the Earth "can't be full of molten lava because the Earth has a magnetic field. The magnetic field touches the poles and the Earth serves as a conductor to close the circuit. If the inner core of the Earth had the temperatures which the Molten Core Theory stipulates that it does, and if the inner strata of rock is so hot that it isn't even brittle but plastic, then any magnetic properties would be lost as the magnetic canopy passes through the Earth's crust because heat destroys magnetism. The temperature at which this occurs is called the Curie Point." No dynamo effect could pass a magnetic canopy through such heated strata of rocks, so for this a various reasons the orthodox, solid-planet model fails to account for a magnetic canopy.
However, the hollow planet, rotating, charged solenoid model does.
What I have been trying to do over the last two years or so has been to write articles that communicate the understanding that planets are hollow, and connect them to comments and complete narrations from the Puranas and Mahabharata, thus pointing out through scripture that the Earth, Moon and other planets are all hollow. This is simply the way the Puranas depict planetary configuration, like it or not. My thinking has been that if we don't substantiate the Puranic version, then somone will come along and make us all look like fools for following such scripture. (I have been the only one to ever make the connection; it is an original theme of mine)
The following are some of the hollow earth articles of mine that have been published in The Sampradaya Sun:
I have also written on the Aryan Invasion theory in the light of the fact that the orifice leading to the hollow world is not so far at all from the European, Arctic coasts; the idea being that there was Aryan migration from the northern, Arctic coasts of Europe down through Persia and into India. Bal Gangadar Tilak wrote The Arctic Home of the Vedas, but although he established Vedic culture's Arctic presence in the past, he couldn't establish a point of origin for that culture. Thanks to the hollow earth understanding, I have been able to vindicate the basic thrust of the Aryan Invasion Theory, that the Arynas migrated down from the North, although there was no bellicose invasion or anything like that.
What I would like to ask the Sampradaya Sun readers to do, is to inform themselves on the matter of the hollow earth and how it relates to the Puranic version. Hollow Earth in the Puranas is available in the form of an e-book download for the measly sum of three dollars; the price is economic-depression friendly.