Yes, it is wonderful that the GBC has finally launched a new website now, only fifteen or twenty years after websites have become popular. This is the kind of devotional spontaneity that I so much enjoy seeing as symptoms of GBC ecstatic expressions of selfless love.
I have noted that each member of the GBC already has his or her individual websites wherein they discuss their own personal glories with candor, and where thousands of photos of themselves in various poses can be adored. Now this collective GBC website is a rare opportunity for the GBC to glorify themselves together cooperatively, and this is such a wonderful opportunity to come together for mutual glorification in this way. As they say in America, "Go ahead and enjoy it. You've earned it."
I have noted the wording from the article "Chairman's Message" including the quote by Tamohara Das, Ph.D., Executive Director:
"'We realize that this has been a real problem—people often learn what they know about the GBC by rumor or from the Internet,' says Tamohara. ‘They don't know what we're doing, and so they assume the worst. Or they've had bad experiences in the past, so they think it's still more of the same. But the fact is that ISKCON leadership has changed dramatically. Leaders were always very dedicated to Prabhupada and the preaching mission, but now they are also both more professional in their management approach, and dedicated to devotee care, something we didn't really talk about much when I joined in the 1970s. But devotees don't know this.'
"Tamohara feels that the GBC could improve its communication both by communicating its activities better to the rank and file devotees, and by better hearing issues the devotees would like to bring to their attention."
Yes, it is wonderful to see the great new change in attitude as discussed by the GBC Executive Director, who claims to know what other members of the Society either know or do not know. And it is a great sign that such dedicated GBC members have learned the philosophy of humility and service to the servant by referring to devotees other than themselves on their outreach website as "rank and file devotees." Certainly this is a giant leap forward towards institutionalizing the structured church-of-brick-and-mortar approach to ISKCON and we are so pleased with the evidence right there on the GBC website. It is the dawn of a new day at ISKCON and the rank and file devotees like you can rest assured that their children will no longer be molested under the GBC's watch, and neither will their Godbrothers ever be assassinated.
GBC Outreach
Regarding the section on the website requesting opinions of the Society's lesser, insignificant rank and file members, a page may be kept for such ideas, providing the following caveat is included:
"Respected Prabhus, please help the GBC by giving us your direction and sincere opinions so that we can better serve you. By that statement we are especially looking for sanctimonious yes-men who know how to praise us as we deserve. To assure your own success please continue to offer your wholesale blanket agreement for any whimsical policy we care to enact. Keep in mind that any and all comments that appear critical of the GBC -- either collectively or individually -- will be duly noted in our black diaries and our armed goondas will deal with you right after Mangal Arati, as per your bad karma. If you don't believe us, ask Vaiyasaki."
However, I did not see any mention of our past glorious, fearless GBC leaders who have been awarded the coveted title "GBC Emeritus". Please provide a link to such a website of those who have been so honored, as we do not wish these rare emeritus souls to feel left out. And while you are doing that, please include a link to the new "GBC Blooper-itus" website. This should include the bio-data of past members of the GBC who were thoughtful enough to either: take drugs with their disciples, have sex with numerous disciples, serve time in jail, became mayavadi elevator musicians, molest the children of their Godbrothers, or even the one who today lives as a derelict street drunk.
Chairperson for the GBC
And speaking of the GBC, I am pleased that you have taken the position of Chairperson for the GBC. Yes, as the elected Chair please just let the GBC members sit on you if they run out of other chairs to sit on. They will appreciate this as much as they enjoy sitting on the backs of the other devotees.
GBC Chairs
After serving as a chair at the meeting you may take the post of rug, which will certainly be appreciated considering how much the GBC has walked over the feelings of their peers during the past forty years.
Super-Interfaith Conference
It is nice to learn that you will be attending the next Super-Interfaith Conference to give your talks on the "Modern Christians and Their Scripture", "Gandhi the Prophet of World Peace" and "Swami Vivekananda, Hindu Spokesman to the Earth". These are excellent topics that will suitably agree with current socially-acceptable propaganda at such events. Giving speeches on such topics will greatly serve to keep the other delegates at the conference in absolute mind-boggling ignorance of Lord Chaitanya's sankirtan movement. I hope you do not mind if I suggest that you may also please play for them the following morning talk, as I am sure that a few of the other delegates may be interested to hear what we have to say also.
I hope that this has met you in the best of health.