The Siddhanta of Krishna dasa


Jan 22, 2015 — CANADA (SUN) [UPDATED]

The YouTube video originally linked by this article has now been removed from the Bhakti Breakfast Club channel by its host, Daniel Tucker. The video, just :46 seconds in length, features Krishna dasa, sitting at the microphone. A text version of the video follows:

    Krishna dasa: "I once said to my Indian father, Mr. Tewari, I said, "Who is greater, Shiva or Vishnu?" You know, I thought it was a reasonable question (laughter) in some spheres. He looked at me like I was crazy. He said "My boy," he said, "you can't, how can you compare infinites?" Right. (laughter) It don't work. There're all the same. You know. Sometimes you like pasta with tomato sauce, sometimes with pesto. Same shit. (big laughs) No matter. Not at all."

On the video's closing screen was this promo ad:

"A Bhakti Breakfast Club membership unlocks this complete course,
and hundreds more. Visit"

Screenshot from the video originally posted at


In the video below, we find proof of who the so-called 'great kirtaniya', Krishna dasa really is. As one reader points out, what a great contribution from Sacinandana Swami and Radhanath Swami, to bring such a person into ISKCON and to their public programs. (See "Spiritual Slut") This is precisely the sort of contamination we referred to in our 2013 editorial series, "The 'Kirtaniya' Infestation in ISKCON".

The offensive video below is being promoted by Daniel Tucker under the banner, "Satsang with Krishna Das". The YouTube video, subtitled "Who is greater, Shiva or Vishnu?" is also presented on the Bhakti Breakfast Club website. In fact, Krishna dasa's "preaching" is enough to make one lose their breakfast.

On we find Daniel Tucker hawking kirtan lessons for just $25/month. And for a few more dollars, you can get access to the complete "satsanga library". This sort of polluted approach to Bhakti and kirtan is now taking root all over, due in part to the GBC's impotence in standing up publicly to denounce the association of ISKCON leaders with rascals like "Krishna dasa".


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